Slovakia 9th Grade Curriculum (Lower Secondary Education) - Biology

Overview of the Slovak Education System

Education in Slovakia is compulsory for 10 years, from ages 6 to 16. The system is divided into three stages:

  • Primary School (ISCED Level 1): Grades 1-4
  • Lower Secondary School (ISCED Level 2): Grades 5-9
  • Upper Secondary School (ISCED 3): Grades 10-13

Lower secondary education (grades 5-9) is part of a single-structure system. Students typically attend a single school for their basic education (primary and lower secondary). In primary school, subjects are generally taught by one teacher, while in lower secondary, teachers specialize in their subject areas.

Biology Curriculum

While a specific 9th-grade biology syllabus could not be located, some information about biology education in Slovakia can be gleaned from various sources. Biology is typically taught as part of the "Man and Nature" subject area in lower secondary education. Other science subjects taught at this level include physics and chemistry. In general, the Slovak science curriculum emphasizes practical skills such as conducting field studies and experiments.

A recent curriculum reform, implemented from September 2023, aims to modernize education by focusing on 21st-century skills like critical thinking and digital literacy. This reform introduced specific educational targets and framework learning objectives.


The Ministry of Education provides textbooks for schools following the state educational program. Schools can choose from multiple textbooks available for each subject.

Additional Information

  • A study examined the effectiveness of a new 9th-grade biology curriculum on students' environmental awareness.
  • A comparative study analyzed Czech and Slovak science curricula, including biology.