Slovakia Primary School Sports Curriculum - First Grade
The Slovak primary school sports curriculum for first grade incorporates a program called "Tréneri v škole" (Coaches in School). This program, supported by the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic, aims to enhance the quality and appeal of Physical Education (PE) lessons. It focuses on experiential learning, fostering a positive attitude towards sports, and developing comprehensive movement literacy. The program began as a pilot project in January 2021 in approximately 30 primary schools across three regions of Slovakia.
Tréneri v škole Program
The program involves qualified and trained coaches working alongside teachers during PE lessons. Students are introduced to various sports and sporting equipment through play-based learning, with an emphasis on engaging as many students as possible. The program focuses on three main areas of sports training:
- Fundamentals of Locomotion: Athletics, gymnastics
- Ball Skills: Team and individual sports
- Rhythmic and Coordination Basics: Dance, combat sports
Schools participating in the program also receive sports equipment. Coaches undergo specialized training focused on working with first and second-grade students before working with the schools. While the coach leads one PE lesson per week, the teacher remains responsible for the overall PE curriculum and the second weekly PE lesson. The program also aims to support teachers in organizing PE lessons, increase student engagement, and improve communication between parents and sports clubs. A longer-term goal is to address childhood obesity and promote healthier lifestyles. |