Slovakia Second Grade Mathematics Syllabus
This entry details the Slovakia Second Grade Mathematics syllabus based on the curriculum document found at The curriculum is designed to develop students' abilities to acquire knowledge independently through experience and calculation.
I. Natural Numbers 1 to 20
- Understanding natural numbers 0-20.
- Counting objects in groups up to 20.
- Matching related objects.
- Reading and writing numbers 0-20.
- Number line up to 20.
- Comparing and ordering numbers up to 20.
- Writing mathematical symbols.
- Solving word problems involving comparison.
- Creating word problems for given inequalities.
II. Addition and Subtraction
- Addition and subtraction in the range of 1-5.
- Addition and subtraction in the range of 1-10 and 1-20 without crossing the base of 10.
- Introduction to the relationship between addition and subtraction.
- Addition and subtraction using visual aids.
- Mental calculations up to 20 without crossing the base of 10.
- Creating addition and subtraction problems for given situations.
- Word problems involving addition and subtraction:
- Finding the sum given addends.
- Increasing a given number by a certain amount.
- Finding one addend given the sum and the other addend.
- Changing a given number by a certain amount.
- Indirectly formulated word problems.
- Creating word problems for given numerical addition and subtraction problems up to 20 without crossing the base of 10.
III. Geometry
- Drawing lines.
- Drawing straight lines.
- Geometric shapes and figures - drawing.
- Manipulation with some spatial and planar geometric figures.
IV. Solving Applied Problems and Developing Specific Mathematical Thinking
- Introduction to logic: True and false statements.
- Probability games, experiments, and observations.
- Dichotomous classification of objects according to characteristics.
- Ascending (descending) sequences of objects, things, elements, and numbers.
- Problems involving patterns in these sequences.
- Problems involving collecting and grouping data.
- Simple probability games.
- Simple combinatorics problems.
Textbook Resources:
- errnek Pavol, Bednaova Svetlana - Matematika pre 2. ronik ZS, uebnica, AITEC, s.r.o. Bratislava
- Stankoviova Anna - Hrava matematika pre 2. ronik ZS, 1. as, TAKTIK, s.r.o. Koice
- Stankoviova Anna - Hrava matematika pre 2. ronik ZS, 2. as, TAKTIK, s.r.o. Koice
- Written work and tests are evaluated according to a specific grading scale.
- Assessed elements include:
- Tests: One or two per term, depending on the teacher's discretion. Time allotted for tests in the 2nd grade is 20-25 minutes. These serve to assess students' knowledge and skills for individual terms, the semester, and at the end of the school year. Before each test, students review the thematic units covered for at least 1 hour.
- Shorter written assignments: 5-minute and 10-minute assignments with a time allocation of up to 10 minutes; these serve to verify the mastery of specific material. They are graded and then returned to the students. They are not archived.
- Oral answers and problem-solving at the blackboard.
- Selected homework assignments.
- Tests lasting longer than 20 minutes are statistically evaluated.
- Test evaluation includes: average grade, average number of points, and percentage success rate.
- A grading scale approved by the school administration is used for evaluating tests and written work.