Slovenia 1. razred School Syllabus - Slovenian Language

I. Language Arts

  • Language Awareness: Students will explore various forms of communication, including verbal and nonverbal cues. They will learn about the functions of language, their relationship with their first language, and the special status of Slovenian within Slovenia. They will also compare Slovenian with other languages, noting similarities and differences in pronunciation and vocabulary.
  • Conversation Skills: Students will practice different types of conversations, such as personal conversations, phone calls, and interactions with authority figures. They will learn to identify social roles, emotional tones, and conversational cues. They will also evaluate their own conversational skills and identify areas for improvement.
  • Listening Skills: Students will actively listen to various texts, including stories, news, and descriptions. They will learn to identify the main topic, summarize key information, and evaluate the text's credibility and relevance. They will also reflect on their listening skills and develop strategies for improvement.
  • Speaking Skills: Students will practice oral presentations on a variety of topics, including personal experiences, plans, and descriptions. They will learn to prepare for presentations, use clear and appropriate language, and incorporate nonverbal cues effectively. They will also evaluate their speaking skills and identify areas for improvement.
  • Reading and Writing Skills: Students will develop their reading and writing skills through various activities, including phonics, handwriting, and comprehension exercises. They will learn to read and write different types of texts, such as letters, lists, news, stories, and descriptions. They will also evaluate their reading and writing skills and develop strategies for improvement.
  • Vocabulary and Grammar: Students will expand their vocabulary and develop their understanding of grammar through various activities, including word games, sentence construction, and text analysis. They will learn to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar in different contexts.
  • Pronunciation and Spelling: Students will develop their pronunciation and spelling skills through activities such as listening to and imitating correct pronunciation, identifying and correcting spelling errors, and using dictionaries and spelling resources.
  • Stylistic Skills: Students will develop their stylistic skills by identifying and correcting stylistic errors in their own writing and in the writing of others. They will learn to use appropriate language and style in different contexts.
  • Metalanguage Awareness: Students will develop their metalanguage awareness by learning and using linguistic terms related to language structure, function, and use.

II. Literature

  • Literary Appreciation: Students will develop their literary appreciation by listening to, reading, and discussing various literary texts, including poems, stories, and plays. They will learn to identify different literary genres and elements, such as characters, setting, plot, and theme. They will also develop their ability to express their personal responses to literature.
  • Literary Genres: Students will explore different literary genres, including poetry, prose, and drama. They will learn to identify the characteristics of each genre and appreciate the unique qualities of each.
  • Literary Elements: Students will learn about various literary elements, such as character, setting, plot, theme, and narrative voice. They will learn to analyze these elements and understand their role in shaping the meaning of a literary text.
  • Authors and Works: Students will be introduced to the works of various Slovenian authors of children's literature, including Nika Grafenauer, Oton Župančič, Tone Pavček, Srečko Kosovel, Kajetan Kovič, Ela Peroci, Svetlana Makarovič, and Lila Prap. They will also explore Slovenian folk songs and tales, as well as tales by the Brothers Grimm.
  • Creative Expression: Students will engage in creative writing activities, such as writing poems, stories, and plays. They will also participate in dramatizations and other creative projects related to literature.
  • Media Literacy: Students will develop their media literacy by watching and discussing films, cartoons, and other media adaptations of literary works. They will learn to compare and contrast different media and analyze the ways in which stories are adapted for different audiences.

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