Slovenia 2. razred Curriculum - Glasbena umetnost (Music)

This curriculum outlines the learning objectives and content for Music (Glasbena umetnost) in the 2nd grade of primary school in Slovenia, adapted from the official Glasbena vzgoja curriculum. It emphasizes a holistic approach, integrating performing, creating, and listening to music.

Performing (Izvajanje)

  • Singing (Petje): Students will sing children's, folk, and art songs, expanding their repertoire with songs from the past and present. They will learn to imitate adult interpretations, control their vocal volume, and understand dynamics (loud, soft, faster, slower). The curriculum also emphasizes proper breathing techniques and clear pronunciation.
  • Rhythm and Speech (Ritmična izreka): Students will rhythmically recite children's rhymes, counting-out rhymes, and riddles, developing precise rhythmic delivery. They will also learn to rhythmically set selected texts to music.
  • Playing Instruments (Igranje na glasbila): Students will accompany singing and rhythmic speech with various instruments (homemade, Orff, and folk instruments). They will explore the sounds of different instruments and learn basic playing techniques, developing coordination and sensitivity to combining sounds and rhythms.
  • Movement and Dance (Gibanje in ples): Students will engage in movement and dance activities related to the music they are learning, further developing their sense of rhythm and meter. They will learn folk dances.
  • Music Literacy (Slikovni zapis glasbe): Students will be introduced to basic musical notation through visual representations, learning to recognize pitch and duration.

Creating (Ustvarjanje)

  • Exploring Sounds (Raziskovanje zvokov): Students will explore different sounds and timbres, using them to express musical ideas. They will imitate sounds from their environment and nature.
  • Creating Accompaniments and Soundscapes (Ustvarjanje spremljav in zvočnih slik): Students will create accompaniments and soundscapes, developing their own musical ideas. They will complete rhythmic and melodic patterns and compose melodies for given texts (and vice versa).
  • Creative Expression (Ustvarjalno izražanje): Students will express musical and non-musical experiences through visual art, language, and movement. They will use movement to express their understanding of musical elements like duration, pitch, dynamics, and timbre.

Listening (Poslušanje)

  • Attentive Listening (Pozorno poslušanje): Students will listen to and reflect on sounds in nature, other sound phenomena, and musical examples. They will develop concentration and auditory perception through attentive listening to vocal and instrumental music.
  • Responding to Music (Izražanje doživetij ob glasbi): Students will express their experiences and perceptions of music through movement, dance, visual art, or language. They will learn to identify and differentiate musical elements like timbre, pitch, melody, and form.
  • Recognizing Musical Elements (Prepoznavanje glasbenih elementov): Students will recognize familiar songs, refrains, and musical forms. They will identify and arrange sound colors of voices and instruments, properties of tones, and the direction, speed, and intensity of melodies.

General Learning Objectives (Splošni cilji)

The overall goals for 2nd grade Music education include fostering enjoyment and expression of music, developing curiosity and interest in music, promoting participation in musical activities, and building a positive attitude towards national and global musical heritage.

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