Slovenia 5th Grade Curriculum - Science
Science and Techniques (Grades 4-5)
This two-year block integrates natural science and technical topics, aiming to equip students with the ability to describe, explain, predict, and understand natural phenomena and technical/technological investigation procedures. Key topics and skills developed across these two grades include:
Grade 4:
- Matter: Classification, properties, and changes in matter.
- Forces and Motion: Moving and transport, the movement of planet Earth (day/night, shadows).
- Phenomena: Streaming matter.
- Human Body: General functions.
- Living Things: Classification, growth, and development.
- Science and Technical Methods/Skills: Measurement, using measuring devices, working with sources, and data display.
Grade 5:
- Matter: Matter storage, substances in nature (water, soil, air).
- Devices and Machinery: Simple machines like swings, pendulums, and levers.
- Energy: Heat and temperature.
- Weather: Wind and the sun's impact on weather.
- Nutrition and Health Care.
- Living Creatures and their Environments: Interactions and food chains.
- Science and Technical Methods/Skills: Measurement, using measuring devices, working with sources, and data display.