Slovenia Osnovna šola 8. razred Curriculum - English Language

While the official curriculum document for 8th-grade English in Slovenian Osnovna šola could not be located, some information about resources and learning materials was found.

Textbooks and Workbooks:

  • Touchstone 8: This appears to be a commonly used textbook and workbook series for 8th-grade English. The workbook emphasizes writing skills and includes sections on reading comprehension, written communication, culture, and cross-curricular vocabulary. It has been updated to include color photos and illustrations.
  • ANGLEŠČINA 8: This appears to be an online textbook for 8th-grade English.

Other Resources:

  • National Exams (NPZ): Students in Osnovna šola take national exams, which include English. These exams likely align with the curriculum.

This information provides some insights into the resources used in 8th-grade English classes in Slovenia. However, without the official curriculum document, a complete overview is not possible.