Slovenia 9th Grade Curriculum - Elective Subjects (Izbirni predmeti)

Students in the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades in Slovenia are required to choose elective subjects (izbirni predmeti) in addition to their core curriculum. Schools must offer at least three elective subjects, with students selecting a minimum of two hours per week, and a possible third optional hour.

Electives are categorized into three types:

  • Three-year electives: These subjects span the entire three-year period of 7th to 9th grade.
  • One-year electives: These subjects are offered for one year and can be chosen in any of the three years, but not repeated.
  • One-year grade-specific electives: These subjects are designed for a specific grade level and can only be taken in that year.

The Slovenian Ministry of Education provides curriculum plans (učnih načrtov) for several one-year, 9th-grade specific electives:

  • Beekeeping (Čebelarstvo):
  • Civic Education (Državljanska kultura):
  • Electronics with Robotics (Elektronika z robotiko):

Schools have autonomy in choosing which electives to offer beyond the Ministry's listed subjects. Examples of other electives offered include:

  • Second foreign language: Continued from previous grades or started anew.
  • Art (Umetnost):
  • Nutrition (Načini prehranjevanja):
  • Chemistry Experiments (Poskusi v kemiji):
  • Logic (Logika):
  • Materials Processing - Metals (Obdelava Gradiv - Kovine):
  • Chess (Šah):
  • Rhetoric (Retorika):

More specific details about the content and learning objectives of each elective can be found in the individual curriculum plans available through the Ministry of Education or the respective schools.