Slovenia Gimnazija Art Curriculum
While the specific curriculum for the 2nd year of Art Gimnazija programs in Slovenia isn't readily available online, I can offer an overview of art programs in Slovenian Gimnazijas based on the information gathered:
Srednja vzgojiteljska šola, gimnazija in umetniška gimnazija Ljubljana (SVŠGUGL)
This school offers several programs, including a general Gimnazija, a preschool education program, and specialized Gimnazija programs in Performing Arts (Dance) and Arts (Theatre and Drama).
- Performing Arts – Dance: This four-year program combines general Gimnazija education with specialized dance training. The dance curriculum includes Modern dance techniques, Creative workshop, Ballet, Applied anatomy, Music, History of Dance, and Theatre Art. The second foreign language is German or French.
- Arts – Theatre and Drama: This four-year program, introduced in the 2010/2011 school year, combines general Gimnazija education with specialized training in theatre, modern dance, video, and film. Technical subjects include History and Theory of Drama and Theatre, Art of Speech, Art of Movement, Video and Film, and various workshops. The second foreign language is German or French.
Both specialized programs require hard work, persistence, and excellent grades from elementary school.
Other Gimnazijas with Art Programs
- II. gimnazija Maribor: Offers extracurricular activities in art and literature, including an art workshop, exhibition hall, photography club, conceptual workshop, art history excursions, and a public exhibition. It also offers the International Baccalaureate program.
- Gimnazija Bežigrad: While the details of its art curriculum are not readily available, it's known for its comprehensive program and being the only public school in Slovenia offering all four International Baccalaureate programs.
- Gimnazija Celje – Center: Offers an art program with special subjects including art history, drawing and painting, visual presentation techniques, theory of art, culture of living, and sculpture.
This information provides a general overview of art-related programs in Slovenian Gimnazijas. For the specific 2nd-year curriculum, it is recommended to contact the individual schools directly. |