South Africa Grade 1 School Syllabus - Mathematics
This outlines the key learning areas for Mathematics in Grade 1 in South Africa, based on the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).
1. Numbers, Operations and Relationships
This section focuses on developing number sense, including counting, comparing, ordering, and representing numbers in various ways. Learners are expected to:
- Count objects up to 50 and count forwards and backwards in 10s, 5s, and 2s.
- Recognize numbers up to 100 and write numbers up to 20.
- Perform addition and subtraction within 20, including solving basic word problems.
- Understand place value (tens and ones).
2. Patterns, Functions and Algebra
This section introduces basic algebraic thinking through the exploration of patterns. Learners are expected to:
- Recognize, describe, and extend simple repeating patterns.
- Create their own patterns using objects, shapes, and numbers.
- Identify and describe increasing and decreasing patterns.
3. Space and Shape (Geometry)
This section focuses on developing spatial reasoning skills and understanding basic geometric concepts. Learners are expected to:
- Recognize, name, describe, sort, and compare 2D shapes (e.g., circles, triangles, squares, rectangles).
- Recognize, name, describe, sort, and compare 3D objects (e.g., cubes, spheres, cylinders).
- Describe the position of objects using appropriate language (e.g., above, below, next to).
4. Measurement
This section introduces basic measurement concepts and skills. Learners are expected to:
- Compare and order objects according to length, mass, and capacity using non-standard units.
- Use comparative language (e.g., longer/shorter, heavier/lighter, more/less).
- Begin to understand standard units of measurement (grams, kilograms, millilitres, litres, centimetres, metres).
5. Data Handling
This section introduces basic data collection and representation skills. Learners are expected to:
- Collect and organize data using concrete objects.
- Represent data using simple pictograms and bar graphs.
- Sort objects and discuss findings.