South Africa Grade 10 Home Language Course Entries
This document outlines the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for Home Language in South Africa. The focus is on English Home Language, but the principles apply to all official languages. The curriculum is organized around the four key language skills: Listening and Speaking, Reading and Viewing, Writing and Presenting, and Language Structures and Conventions.
Listening and Speaking
- Listening Comprehension: Learners are expected to develop skills in listening for specific information, critical analysis and evaluation, and appreciation and interaction. This involves pre-listening activities to prepare for the listening task, active listening strategies during the listening process, and post-listening activities to reflect on and respond to what was heard.
- Speaking: Learners develop speaking skills through various activities, including prepared and unprepared speeches, interviews, discussions, debates, and panel discussions. Emphasis is placed on planning, researching, organizing, practicing, and presenting oral presentations effectively. Learners are also taught to use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication techniques.
Reading and Viewing
- Reading Process: Learners are guided through the reading process, including pre-reading strategies (skimming, scanning, predicting), active reading strategies (making connections, inferring, questioning), and post-reading activities (summarizing, evaluating, responding).
- Visual Literacy: Learners develop skills in interpreting visual texts, such as advertisements, cartoons, and pictures. They learn to analyze the use of persuasive techniques, the impact of font and layout, and how images and language shape values and attitudes.
- Literature Study: Learners engage with a variety of literary genres, including novels, drama, and poetry. They develop skills in analyzing literary features, such as plot, characterization, theme, and figurative language.
Writing and Presenting
- Process Writing: Learners are taught to use the writing process, which includes planning, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading, and presenting. They learn to write for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate register, style, and voice.
- Text Types: Learners develop skills in writing various text types, including essays (narrative, descriptive, argumentative, discursive, reflective, literary), and transactional texts (letters, reports, reviews, newspaper articles, minutes, speeches, dialogues, interviews). They learn the specific format and features of each text type.
Language Structures and Conventions
- Grammar and Usage: Learners consolidate their understanding of grammar and usage, focusing on how language structures and conventions are used in different text types. This includes parts of speech, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling.
- Critical Language Awareness: Learners develop critical language awareness by analyzing how language is used to construct meaning, reflect values and attitudes, and exert power. They learn to identify bias, prejudice, stereotyping, and manipulative language.
This information is taken from the official CAPS document and provides a comprehensive overview of the South Africa Grade 10 Home Language curriculum. The document provides detailed teaching plans and assessment guidelines for each grade level. |