South Africa Grade 10 Life Sciences AI
South Africa Grade 10 School Syllabus - Elective Subject 1 Accounting (Information unavailable at this time.) Physical Sciences Siyavula provides a table of contents for Physical Sciences Grade 10, covering topics such as skills for science, classification of matter, states of matter, and mechanical energy. Additional resources from the National Department of Basic Education, Pearson, and the WCED ePortal offer further information on the curriculum and assessment policy statement (CAPS). Mindset Learn offers resources on topics like reactions in aqueous solution, quantitative aspects of chemical change, vectors and scalars, and motion in one dimension. Life Sciences Siyavula offers a table of contents for Life Sciences Grade 10, including topics such as representations of life's history, mass extinctions, and the impact of humans on biodiversity. The National Department of Basic Education provides a CAPS document outlining four knowledge strands: life at the molecular, cellular, and tissue level; life processes in plants and animals; environmental studies; and diversity, change, and continuity. The WCED ePortal offers a Grade 10 Life Sciences revision booklet for terms 3 and 4 (published July 15, 2024). Geography Resources from the National Department of Basic Education and Via Afrika provide information on the Geography Grade 10 curriculum, covering topics such as the atmosphere, economic geography of South Africa, and geographical skills and techniques. The WCED ePortal offers a revision resource for terms 3 and 4, covering population and water resources (published July 22, 2024). A YouTube video on landforms of Africa (posted November 14, 2023) is also available. History The Grade 10 History curriculum focuses on developing practical skills. The South African History Online website and the National Department of Basic Education provide CAPS documents and annual teaching plans. Mathematics Siyavula offers a table of contents for Mathematics Grade 10, covering topics such as the real number system, rounding off, estimating surds, and products. Mathsman provides a complete CAPS syllabus with topics like algebraic expressions, number patterns, equations and inequalities, trigonometry, functions, and Euclidean geometry. Additional resources are available from the National Department of Basic Education, Pearson, and the WCED ePortal. Information Technology Siyavula's table of contents for Information Technology Grade 10 includes basic concepts of computing, data representation, hardware, and software. The National Department of Basic Education and the WCED ePortal provide further information on the curriculum. Skills Passport SA offers guidance on subject choices for IT careers. Dramatic Arts The National Department of Basic Education and the WCED ePortal provide resources for Dramatic Arts Grade 10. Additional resources cover topics such as Ancient Greek theatre, South African theatre, and generic principles of drama. (published September 25, 2020) Music The National Department of Basic Education, the WCED ePortal, and South African History Online provide information on the Music Grade 10 curriculum, including assessment standards, content, and contexts. Additional resources discuss the development of musical skills and techniques. (published October 28, 2002) |