South Sudan Senior Secondary 4 Citizenship S-4

This course covers a range of topics related to citizenship, governance, economics, and peace-building within South Sudan and the broader global context. The curriculum aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for active and responsible citizenship. The course content is drawn from the South Sudan Secondary Citizenship 4 Student Textbook published by Longhorn Publishers in conjunction with the Ministry of General Education and Instruction, Republic of South Sudan. (

Unit 1: Charters for Peace and Conflict Resolution

This unit explores the role of international and regional organizations in promoting peace and resolving conflicts.

  • The United Nations (UN): This section covers the formation, objectives, organizational structure (General Assembly, Security Council, Secretariat, International Court of Justice, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council), achievements, and role of the UN in peace and conflict resolution, with a specific focus on its activities in South Sudan. It also highlights the work of UNESCO and UNMISS in the country.
  • The African Union (AU): This section details the history of the AU, its formation from the Organization of African Unity (OAU), objectives, principles, organizational structure (Assembly, Executive Council, Pan-African Parliament, Court of Justice, Commission, Permanent Representative Committee, Economic, Social and Cultural Council, Financial Institutions, Specialized Technical Committees), achievements, and role in peace and conflict resolution, particularly in South Sudan. The AU's peace and security council, African Standby Force, and the AU Protocol are also examined.

Unit 2: Systems of Government Around the World

This unit examines different systems of government and compares them to the South Sudanese system.

  • Kenya: This section describes Kenya's democratic system, electoral process (voter registration, nominations, campaigns, polling, and declaration of winners), the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), and the structure and functions of both national and county governments (Legislature, Executive, Judiciary).
  • Britain: This section explores Britain's constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, including the electoral process, and the roles of the Monarchy, Executive (Prime Minister, Cabinet, Civil Service), Legislature (House of Lords and House of Commons), and Judiciary.
  • United States of America (USA): This section details the USA's federal system of government, electoral process (National Party Convention, Electoral College), types of elections (presidential, congressional, state), and the roles of the Legislature (Congress), Executive (President, Vice President, Cabinet, Civil Service), and Judiciary (Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal, District Courts, Special Federal Courts, State Courts).
  • Global Interdependence: This section defines global interdependence, explores its economic, social, and environmental aspects, and discusses the responsibilities of individuals and governments in fostering global interdependence, as well as the challenges faced.

Unit 3: How the Economy Functions in South Sudan

This unit focuses on the South Sudanese economy and the roles of various actors.

  • The Economy: This section defines the economy, explains its operation, discusses factors influencing economic growth, and introduces methods of measuring economic activity.
  • Roles in the Economy: This section examines the roles of the government (regulation, competition, externalities, national security, fiscal and monetary policies), individuals, and businesses in the economy.
  • Taxes: This section explains the role of taxes (direct and indirect) in balancing the economy and supporting government functions.
  • Economic Management: This section discusses strategies for managing the economy, including promoting income equality, implementing new technologies, standardizing accounting practices, introducing new financial markets, promoting privatization and competition, lowering trade barriers, increasing trade, encouraging domestic borrowing, exempting the poor from taxes, creating employment, implementing budgets, enhancing public-private partnerships, and tackling corruption.
  • Consumer and Employee Rights: This section outlines the rights and responsibilities of consumers and the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees. It also discusses the impact of the local and national economy on these groups.

Unit 4: The Rights and Responsibilities of Consumers, Employers, and Employees

This unit delves deeper into the rights and responsibilities of various economic actors.

  • Consumers: This section defines consumers, goods, and services, and outlines South Sudanese consumer rights (against unfair transactions, false advertising, right to quality goods and services, compensation, redress, and contract termination) and responsibilities (environmental responsibility, action and involvement, solidarity, critical awareness, prompt payment, protection of communication facilities).
  • Impact of National Economy: This section discusses the impact of the national economy on consumers (spending, demand, foreign commodities, taxation) and employers and employees (employment opportunities, income, strikes, retrenchment).
  • Responsible Consumerism: This section defines and promotes responsible consumerism, including reducing excessive consumption, supporting responsible companies, demonstrations, consumer activism, fair trade, and sustainable resource use.
  • Effects of Consumerism: This section examines the positive (employment, product quality, living standards) and negative (decline of small industries, reliance on imports, ecological destruction) effects of consumerism.
  • Labor Law: This section outlines key aspects of South Sudanese labor law, including provisions related to women's employment, child labor, work contracts, wages, loans, transport, and termination entitlements.

Unit 5: Peace-making

This unit explores the concept of peace-making and its application in South Sudan.

  • Peace-making: This section defines peace-making, distinguishes it from peace-keeping and peace-building, and introduces related terms like restorative justice, retributive justice, armistice, and reconciliation.
  • Peace-makers in South Sudan: This section identifies key individuals and organizations involved in peace-making efforts in South Sudan, including local organizations (OPRD, GREDA, SSCCR, ONAD) and international organizations (IGAD, UNESCO, UNMISS, AU, UN Charter).
  • Current Activities: This section describes current peace-making activities in South Sudan, such as peace dialogues, strengthening peace networks, using sports and theatre for peace, and promoting education.

Unit 6: The Need for Sustainable Development

This unit focuses on the concept of sustainable development and its importance.

  • Sustainable Development: This section defines sustainable development, emphasizing its economic, social, and environmental dimensions, and discusses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Achieving Sustainable Development: This section outlines ways to achieve sustainable development, including improving nutrition, health, education, gender equality, water and sanitation, economic growth, infrastructure, industrialization, innovation, environmental protection, equality, urban development, and peace.
  • UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD): This section describes the DESD (2005-2014), its objectives, and its impact on public opinion, school curricula, and government policies.
  • Natural Disasters: This section defines natural disasters, provides examples, and discusses their management and the challenges faced in implementing sustainable development strategies in South Sudan.

Unit 7: Organising a Community Project

This unit provides a practical guide to organizing and implementing community projects.

  • Community Projects: This section identifies opportunities for community projects, such as environmental conservation, health and hygiene, volunteer work, social work, community awareness, and counseling.
  • Project Stages: This section outlines the stages of carrying out a community project, including gathering information, planning (cost, time, scope, risk management, communication, monitoring and evaluation), project development, and monitoring and evaluation.
  • Project Sustainability: This section discusses the importance of project sustainability and strategies to achieve it, such as integrating the project into budgets, seeking donor support, signing agreements, community involvement, improving efficiency, offering expertise, and integrating advocacy.

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