South Sudan Primary 4 Curriculum - Social Studies

Unit 1: Technology

  • Meaning of Technology: Technology is the application of knowledge for practical purposes. Examples include mobile phones, televisions, cars, radios, printers, computers, photocopying machines, digital cameras, and pianos. Students are encouraged to discuss the uses of these technologies.
  • How Technology Has Changed Life in South Sudan: This section explores how technology has impacted various aspects of life:
      • Eating Habits: Traditional food preparation methods are compared with modern methods, using examples like cooking with fire versus using a gas cooker or microwave. Students discuss the technological items that have changed eating habits.
      • Dressing: Traditional clothing and modern clothing are compared. Students create traditional clothes using materials like sisal, reeds, banana leaves, and animal skins.
      • Communication: Traditional communication methods (fire and smoke signals, drum beats, messengers, horn blowing) are compared with modern methods (mobile phones, radios, newspapers). Students discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. A letter-writing activity is included.
      • Transport: Traditional transportation (walking, animals) is compared with modern methods (cars, airplanes, trains). Students write a story about how modern transport has made life easier. They also build models of vehicles using found materials. A poem about the wonders of technology is included.
  • Other Items Brought by Technology:
      • The Plough: Its use in farming and its invention by John Deere in 1837 are discussed.
      • The Steam Engine: Its function as a heat engine and its invention by Thomas Newcomen in 1712 are discussed.
      • The Printing Press: Its use for printing books and newspapers and its invention by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440 are discussed. Students create models of these items.
  • Life Before and After Technology: Students compare and contrast various aspects of life before and after the introduction of technology, including cooking methods, housing, and transportation. They discuss problems their communities face related to transport and communication.

Unit 2: Weather and Climate

  • Local Weather Patterns: Students observe the sky and draw the weather of the day. They discuss different weather conditions (sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy).
  • Elements of Weather: Temperature, rainfall, and wind are identified as the main elements of weather. Students discuss activities they do in different weather conditions.
  • Measuring and Recording Weather: Students learn about weather stations and the instruments used to measure weather elements: thermometer (temperature), rain gauge (rainfall), wind vane (wind direction), and windsock (wind direction and strength). They build simple weather instruments and set up a weather station.
  • Importance of Studying Weather: Students discuss the benefits of understanding weather patterns, such as planning activities, choosing travel times, and understanding agricultural practices.
  • Effects of Weather Changes on the Environment: Students discuss the positive and negative effects of weather on human activities and the environment.
  • Problems Caused by Bad Weather: Students discuss problems caused by extreme weather, such as floods, storms, droughts, and windstorms.
  • How to Overcome Problems Caused by Bad Weather: Students discuss solutions to weather-related problems, such as planting trees and conserving water.
  • Meaning of Climate: Climate is defined as the average weather conditions over a long period. The differences between weather and climate are outlined.
  • Climatic Regions of South Sudan: Students use maps to identify different climatic regions and discuss the factors that influence climate (relief features, water bodies, vegetation cover).
  • Seasons of South Sudan: Students discuss the characteristics of wet and dry seasons and the activities carried out during each.
  • Meaning of Climate Change: Climate change is defined, and its causes (burning charcoal, overgrazing, deforestation, water pollution) and effects (bare land, dead animals, flooding, famine) are discussed.
  • Our Role in Contributing to Good Climate: Students discuss actions that can help mitigate climate change, such as using alternative energy sources.

Unit 3: Interesting Industries

  • Economic Activities: Students identify various economic activities, including farming, fishing, trading, forestry, basketry, hunting, gathering, and mining. They discuss the economic activities in their community.
  • Economic Activities in South Sudan:
      • Crop Farming: The importance of crop farming, the farming process, and problems faced by farmers (climate change, pests and diseases, lack of money, falling prices, poor roads, lack of trained workers) are discussed.
      • Forestry: The importance of forestry, types of forests, and problems facing forestry (drought, deforestation, forest fires, pests and diseases) are discussed. A song about the journey of a tree from forest to chair is included.
      • Fishing: The importance of fishing and problems facing the fishing industry (water pollution, poor roads, dangerous fishing practices) are discussed.
  • Industries: Students visit a local industry and learn about the reasons for its location, the processes involved, and the problems it faces. They differentiate between traditional and modern industries. They also match raw materials to their finished products.
  • Map Reading: Students learn about maps, scales, and symbols. They practice calculating area and measuring distance on a map.

Unit 4: Stories and Symbols

  • People of South Sudan: Students learn about the different ethnic groups in South Sudan, including the Plain Nilotes, River-Lake Nilotes, Bantu, and Sudanic groups. They discuss the origins and locations of these groups.
  • Stories of Origin: Students listen to and discuss traditional stories about the origins of different communities. They also discuss creation stories from the Bible and the Koran.
  • How Stories of Origin Have Changed Our Lives Today: Students discuss how stories of origin influence cultural practices, beliefs, and community identities.
  • Religious Practices and Symbols: Students identify and discuss religious practices and symbols from different religions in South Sudan. They compare and contrast practices and symbols from different faiths.
  • Laws that Govern a Community: Students discuss the importance of laws and rules in maintaining order and safety in communities and schools. They identify actions that break laws.
  • Importance of Laws in Society: Students discuss the role of laws in protecting people and promoting peaceful coexistence. A debate on the importance of school rules is included.

Unit 5: Avoiding Conflicts

  • Types of Conflict Found in Our Communities: Students discuss different types of conflicts, their causes, and possible solutions.
  • Causes of Conflict in Our Society: Students identify causes of conflict, such as greed, poverty, stealing, pride, corruption, and religion.
  • Effects of Conflict in Our Society: Students discuss the negative consequences of conflict, such as fighting, hatred, destruction, and death. A poem about avoiding conflict is included.
  • Things that Bring Us Together: Students discuss factors that promote unity and cohesion, such as games and sports, shared leadership, education, national symbols (flag, anthem), and shared values. Role-playing activities are used to practice conflict resolution.
  • How to Avoid Conflict: Students learn strategies for avoiding conflict, such as stopping fights, discussing problems respectfully, and seeking help from others.
  • How Peer Pressure Can Help Us Solve Problems: Students discuss positive and negative peer pressure and how to avoid negative influences.
  • The Use of Decision-Making Skills in Problem Solving: Students discuss the importance of making good choices and the positive effects of problem-solving.
  • What is Right and Wrong?: Students differentiate between right and wrong actions and discuss ethical behavior.
  • Drugs: Students learn about drug abuse, its negative consequences, and how to resist peer pressure related to drug use. They create posters promoting drug awareness.

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