South Sudan Primary 7 Curriculum - Language and Literature
The South Sudan Primary 7 Curriculum for Language and Literature is built upon a framework designed to cultivate well-rounded individuals equipped for the future. The curriculum emphasizes four key aims:
- Good Citizens of South Sudan: Patriotic individuals actively participating in society, committed to unity, democracy, human rights, gender equality, peace, and reconciliation. They are prepared to be global citizens, representing South Sudan's role in the world.
- Successful Lifelong Learners: Individuals who are literate, numerate, and eager to learn. They possess the ability to learn independently and collaboratively, proficient in key competencies, and committed to continuous learning.
- Creative and Productive Individuals: Enterprising and creative problem-solvers, diligent, resilient, and persistent in their approach to work. They are capable of understanding and relating to the needs and concerns of others.
- Environmentally Responsible Members of Society: Individuals committed to sustainable development, aware of environmental fragility and its importance to life and prosperity. They appreciate the need for collective efforts in preserving the environment for future generations.
These aims are woven into the curriculum through four key themes: citizenship, literacy and numeracy, enterprise, and the environment. The curriculum adopts a constructivist approach to learning, encouraging active participation and moving beyond traditional textbook-based instruction. It emphasizes practical learning experiences relevant to students' lives, fostering a love of learning and the skills to become independent learners.
Key Features of the Curriculum:
- Values and Principles: The curriculum is grounded in values such as human rights, gender equality, respect, integrity, peace, tolerance, compassion, social justice, democracy, and national pride. These values are reinforced through principles that promote a culture of excellence, empowerment, cultural heritage, and a spirit of hope and unity.
- South Sudanese Culture and Heritage: The curriculum recognizes the importance of cultural heritage in shaping identity and providing context for learning. It incorporates South Sudan's vibrant culture, including music, dance, literature, art, traditions, beliefs, and understandings.
- Student Competencies: The curriculum focuses on developing four key competencies: critical and creative thinking, communication, cooperation, and culture and identity. These competencies are integrated across all subjects, ensuring that students develop the skills and attitudes necessary for success in the 21st century.
- Subjects: Language and Literature is a contributing subject within the broader category of National Languages and English. The curriculum emphasizes the development of literacy skills in both the national language and English. Initially, the medium of instruction is a national language chosen by the school to suit the local context. English is introduced alongside, primarily through oral learning. As students progress to Primary 4 and 5, there is a transition to English as the medium of instruction, with continued support in the national language. By the end of Primary 5, all subjects are taught in English. Arabic is also taught from Primary 5 to 8.
Teaching and Learning Approaches:
The curriculum promotes learner-centered, interactive teaching strategies that connect with students' experiences, culture, and environment. Teachers act as facilitators, creating learning opportunities and supporting independent learning. Assessment is both of learning (summative) and for learning (formative), focusing on subject knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
Inclusion and Gender Equity:
The curriculum is designed to be inclusive, catering to the needs of all learners, including those with disabilities and special educational needs. Schools are encouraged to create enabling learning environments and provide appropriate support. Gender equity is also a key principle, with schools ensuring equal access to the curriculum for both male and female learners, avoiding gender stereotypes, and setting high expectations for all.