South Sudan Secondary 1 ICT Curriculum
This curriculum aims to equip students with fundamental ICT skills and knowledge. It covers various aspects of computing, including software applications, internet usage, troubleshooting, and access control.
Unit 1: Application Software
This unit introduces students to various software applications and their functionalities.
- Introduction to Applications: This section differentiates between application software (e.g., word processors, spreadsheets) and system software (e.g., operating systems).
- MS Word: This section covers the basics of using MS Word, including creating, opening, saving, and closing documents, as well as formatting text, inserting page breaks and numbers, and utilizing the toolbar.
- MS Excel: This section introduces spreadsheets and covers basic Excel functionalities, including formulas, functions, data manipulation, and creating charts.
- MS PowerPoint: This section covers creating presentations, adding slides, inserting text and images, and delivering presentations.
- MS Publisher: This section focuses on desktop publishing, including creating various publications like business cards, greeting cards, and calendars.
- MS Paint: This section introduces basic image editing and drawing tools.
- Computing: This section provides an overview of computing, including its definition, types (grid, cloud, utility, distributed, and cluster computing), and importance in various fields.
- Data Manipulation and Integration: This section explains the concepts of data manipulation and integration, and how various software applications can be used for these purposes.
Unit 2: Internet
This unit focuses on internet usage, including browsing, searching, and email communication.
- Introduction to the Internet: This section defines the internet and the World Wide Web (WWW).
- History of the Internet: This section provides a brief history of the internet's development.
- Uses of the Internet: This section explores various applications of the internet in daily life, including business, education, communication, entertainment, and banking.
- Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet: This section discusses the benefits and drawbacks of using the internet.
- Internet Safety: This section covers online safety rules and precautions to protect against malware, viruses, and online threats.
- Connecting to the Internet: This section describes different methods of connecting to the internet, including fixed access (ADSL, cable, fiber broadband) and mobile access (3G, 4G, Wi-Fi).
- Web Browsers: This section explains the function of web browsers and lists some popular examples.
- Search Engines: This section explains how to use search engines effectively, including using keywords and deciphering search results.
- Electronic Mail (Email): This section covers the basics of email communication, including creating an email address, sending and receiving emails, attaching files, and managing a mailbox.
Unit 3: Troubleshooting
This unit focuses on identifying and resolving common computer problems.
- Introduction to Troubleshooting: This section defines troubleshooting and its importance.
- Operating Systems: This section defines operating systems, their functions, and common faults.
- Hardware and Software Support: This section explains the different types of computer support.
- Common Computer Faults and Diagnostics: This section covers troubleshooting common computer problems, such as power failure, slow performance, computer hanging, printer issues, forgotten passwords, and virus attacks.
- Troubleshooting Procedures and Techniques: This section describes troubleshooting methods, including rebooting, reinstalling, and rolling back.
Unit 4: Access Control
This unit focuses on security and privacy settings, access control, and user accounts.
- Introduction to Access Control: This section defines access control and its importance.
- Creating Admin Accounts: This section explains how to create administrator accounts in Windows.
- Setting Permissions for Directories: This section explains how to set file and folder permissions.
- NTFS: This section describes the NTFS file system and its features.
- Device Settings: This section discusses device settings in phones and tablets, including operating systems and device management.
- Security and Privacy Settings: This section covers common security threats, protecting computer devices, antivirus software, firewalls, and spamware.