South Sudan Secondary 2 History Curriculum

This curriculum builds upon the Secondary 1 History curriculum, focusing on the history of South Sudan in comparison to 20th-century global developments and post-colonial Africa. Emphasis is placed on understanding the significance of events rather than memorizing dates.

Key Learning Outcomes:

By the end of Secondary 2, learners should be able to:

  • Analyze and describe pre-colonial trade in Africa.
  • Analyze and explain colonial rule and African responses to it.
  • Understand and explain the evolution of societies and heritage in Africa, and the evolution of Sudan as a nation.
  • Understand and examine the causes and impacts of the 20th-century world wars on Europe and Africa.
  • Understand liberal democracy and nationalism from ancient Europe to modern times.
  • Explore the challenges, achievements, and prospects of post-independence Africa.

Textbook Units:

The Secondary 2 History curriculum utilizes specific units from the Secondary 1 and 2 textbooks. These units are selected to provide a sufficient knowledge base and opportunities to develop necessary historical skills. It's important for learners to understand the early history of South Sudan in relation to significant global events of the 20th century that have impacted the country.

The units to be covered are:

  • From the Secondary 1 Textbook:
      • Unit 1: The pre-colonial era
      • Unit 2: Colonial rule
      • Unit 3: Early societies in South Sudan
  • From the Secondary 2 Textbook:
      • Unit 3: The world at war in the 20th Century
      • Unit 4: South Sudan in the 20th Century
      • Unit 5: Liberal democracy and nationalism
      • Unit 7: Post-colonial Africa

2021 Syllabus Adjustment:

Due to school closures in 2020 related to COVID-19, the 2021 syllabus was adjusted. Students entering Secondary 2 in 2021 were required to cover specific units from both the Secondary 1 and 2 textbooks to ensure they had a strong foundation in the subject. This approach aimed to address learning gaps caused by the disruptions.

Key Features of the History Syllabus:

The History syllabus focuses on three key aspects:

  • Learning about key events and people in history and understanding their significance and impact.
  • Analyzing and explaining the causes and consequences of historical events, situations, and changes.
  • Using primary sources to conduct investigations and evaluate historical interpretations.

History is not about memorizing dates and events, but about understanding the reasons behind them and their impact. Students develop skills in investigation, analysis, pattern recognition, and evaluation through studying various historical events and periods. These skills are assessed in the final examination.

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