South Sudan Senior 4 Secondary School Curriculum - Physics
This outlines the course content for the South Sudan Senior 4 Physics curriculum, based on the available Teacher's Guide. The guide emphasizes a competency-based approach, focusing on developing critical thinking, communication, cooperation, and cultural identity. It also integrates cross-cutting issues like environmental sustainability, peace education, and life skills. The curriculum encourages active learning through practical investigations and group work.
Unit 1: Periodic Motion
- Topic 1: Uniform Circular Motion
- Illustrating circular motion: Introduction to the concept of circular motion through practical examples like spinning a wet umbrella and whirling a stone tied to a string. Emphasis on identifying forces involved (centripetal force).
- Terms used to describe circular motion: Defining and calculating linear and angular displacement, velocity, and frequency using practical activities and diagrams.
- Centripetal force and acceleration: Investigating the relationship between centripetal force, mass, velocity, and radius through experiments. Deriving expressions for centripetal force and acceleration. Exploring real-world applications of circular motion.
- Motion in a vertical circle: Analyzing forces and tension at different points in a vertical circle. Discussing applications like loop-the-loops.
- Topic 2: Simple Harmonic Motion
- Definition of simple harmonic motion: Defining SHM and exploring the concept of restoring force using a simple pendulum.
- Terms used to describe simple harmonic motion: Defining and calculating displacement, amplitude, period, and frequency using graphs and examples.
- Equation of simple harmonic motion: Deriving the equation of SHM using calculus and trigonometric functions.
- Simple harmonic oscillating systems: Investigating simple pendulum and mass-spring systems. Deriving expressions for periodic time and exploring the relationship between variables like length, mass, and gravity.
- Energy changes in simple harmonic motion: Describing energy transformations (kinetic and potential energy) during SHM. Deriving the expression for total mechanical energy.
- Damped oscillations: Explaining damped oscillations and their applications using examples like water waves.
Unit 2: Newton's Law of Gravitation
- Topic 3: Newton's Law of Gravitation
- Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation: Stating, deriving, and applying Newton's Law of Gravitation. Calculating gravitational force between objects.
- Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion: Stating and applying Kepler's three laws. Analyzing planetary motion and orbital characteristics.
- Applications of Newton's Law of Gravitation and Kepler's Laws: Discussing real-world applications, including satellite motion and planetary orbits.
Unit 3: Wave Reflection, Refraction, Interaction, Interference, and Diffraction
- Topic 4: Wave Properties
- The ripple tank and wave fronts: Using a ripple tank to visualize and analyze wavefronts (circular and straight). Understanding wave propagation.
- Reflection of waves: Investigating reflection of waves using straight and curved barriers. Explaining the shape and direction of reflected wavefronts. Discussing applications like headlights and torches.
- Refraction of waves: Investigating refraction of waves as they pass from deep to shallow water. Explaining changes in speed, wavelength, and direction. Discussing applications.
- Diffraction of waves: Investigating diffraction of waves through wide and narrow slits. Explaining the spreading of waves and its applications.
- Interference of waves: Investigating interference of waves. Explaining constructive and destructive interference and the principle of superposition.
- The dual nature of light: Discussing theories of light as both a particle and a wave.
- Stationary waves on a vibrating string: Analyzing stationary waves on a string. Identifying nodes and antinodes. Investigating the relationship between frequency, length, tension, and mass of the string. Exploring concepts of fundamental tones, overtones, and resonance.
- Vibrating air columns: Analyzing stationary waves in air columns. Determining frequencies of harmonics and understanding resonance in open pipes. Incorporating end correction.
- Beats: Explaining the concept of beats and its applications.
Unit 4: Electric Fields and Capacitance
- Topic 5: Electric Fields and Capacitance
- Electric field: Defining electric fields and visualizing them using grass seeds or semolina powder.
- Electric field patterns: Drawing and describing electric field patterns between and around charged particles.
- Electric field strength: Defining, deriving the formula for, and calculating electric field strength.
- Electric potential: Defining, deriving the formula for, and calculating electric potential.
- Charge distribution on conductors: Investigating charge distribution on hollow and pear-shaped conductors. Defining surface charge density, electric flux, and electric flux density.
- Capacitors and capacitance: Identifying capacitors and defining capacitance. Exploring the purpose of capacitors in circuits.
- Charging and discharging a capacitor: Investigating charging and discharging processes and plotting graphs of voltage against time.
- Combination of capacitors: Setting up circuits with capacitors in series and parallel. Deriving expressions for effective capacitance.
- Discharging action at points: Explaining discharging action at points using an electroscope.
- Applications of electrostatics: Researching and presenting on applications like electrophotography, defibrillators, photocopiers, electrostatic precipitators, and lightning arresters.
Unit 5: Magnetic Field and Electromagnetic Induction
- Topic 6: Magnetic Effect of an Electric Current
- Magnetic field due to a straight current-carrying conductor: Investigating and visualizing the magnetic field around a straight conductor using iron filings and plotting compasses.
- Magnetic field due to a current-carrying solenoid: Investigating and visualizing the magnetic field around a solenoid.
- Magnetic field around a current-carrying circular coil: Investigating and visualizing the magnetic field around a circular coil.
- Charged particle in a magnetic field: Describing the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field. Deriving relevant formulas.
- Biot-Savart's Law of Magnetic Field: Explaining, deriving, and applying Biot-Savart's Law.
- Force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field (motor effect): Investigating the motor effect and stating Fleming's Left-Hand Rule.
- Applications of the motor effect: Exploring applications like DC electric motors and loudspeakers.
- Topic 7: Electromagnetic Induction
- Demonstrations of electromagnetic induction: Investigating electromagnetic induction using a magnet and coil connected to a galvanometer.
- Factors affecting magnitude of induced e.m.f.: Investigating factors like magnet strength, speed of movement, and presence of an iron core.
- Laws of electromagnetic induction: Stating and applying Faraday's Law, Lenz's Law, and Fleming's Right-Hand Rule.
- Transformers: Explaining the working principle of transformers, including step-up and step-down transformers. Discussing energy losses and efficiency.
- Other applications of electromagnetic induction: Exploring applications like AC generators and microphones.
- Topic 8: Electric Power Transmission and Household Installation
- Electric power transmission: Describing the process of transmitting electricity from power stations to households and industries. Discussing power losses and dangers of high-voltage transmission.
- Household electrical installation: Identifying materials and devices used in household electrical installations. Drawing circuit symbols.
- Household wiring: Observing and describing household wiring systems. Identifying components like main switches, meter boxes, sockets, and circuit breakers. Practicing replacing a faulty socket.
- Dangers of electricity: Researching and discussing the dangers of electricity, including electric shocks and property damage.
- Electrical safety: Understanding safety precautions and procedures when working with electricity.
Unit 6: Cathode Ray Tube
- Topic 9: Cathode Ray Tube
- Production of cathode rays: Explaining the production of cathode rays through thermionic emission.
- Properties of cathode rays: Investigating and describing the properties of cathode rays, including deflection by electric and magnetic fields.
- Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (C.R.O): Drawing a CRO, labeling its parts, explaining its working principle, and discussing its uses (measuring voltage, frequency, and time intervals).
Unit 7: Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy
- Topic 10: Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy
- Definition of radioactive decay: Defining radioactivity and explaining its spontaneous nature.
- A model of radioactive decay and Half-life: Modeling radioactive decay using bottle tops. Defining half-life and calculating it from graphs and data.
- Types of radiations emitted and their properties: Investigating the properties of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, including range and penetration power. Discussing the dangers of radiation.
- Detectors of radiation: Using a leaf electroscope and Geiger-Muller tube to detect radiation. Understanding background radiation.
- Equations to describe radioactive decay: Writing and balancing nuclear equations for alpha and beta decay.
- Natural and artificial radioactivity: Explaining the difference between natural and artificial radioactivity.
- Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion: Differentiating between nuclear fission and fusion.
- Applications of radioactivity: Discussing applications of radioactivity in various fields, including medicine, industry, and archaeology. Debating the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy.