South Sudan Primary 3 Social Studies Curriculum

Unit 1: The People of Africa

  • Key Inquiry Questions:
      • How do ethnic groups in your community reflect the history of South Sudan?
      • Why are some cultural activities present today also evident in communities in the past?
      • What role do leaders now and in the past have on shaping the way people live?
      • What is the importance of National Symbols and how would you describe their value?
      • How do National Symbols affect or describe how we live our lives today?
  • Learning Activities:
      • Research and present on ways people lived in the past (food, clothing, pastimes, jobs, homes, religious practices).
      • Identify common everyday activities and events, and explore ceremonies and rituals practiced in the past and present.
      • Learn about key leaders of the past who have shaped the present.
      • Compare economic activities to ways of life, focusing on trade and farming.
      • Investigate the development of early settlements and migration patterns in South Sudan.
      • Identify and recognize symbols that describe important features of past life and compare them to National Symbols today.
      • Explore the relevance of these symbols to life now, in the past, and in the future.
  • Assessment Opportunities: Observation, conversation, and product creation.

Unit 2: The Land of Africa

  • Key Inquiry Questions:
      • How would you describe the range of physical features on the continent of Africa?
      • What physical features would you select from South Sudan that brings the most benefits to the people?
      • What do you think is the most interesting physical feature of the continent of Africa?
      • How do maps help us to understand our world?
  • Learning Activities:
      • Describe physical features, name and describe those typical to the African continent.
      • Explore the land near where they live and compare it to an unfamiliar place.
      • Examine photographs and other visual images to understand land formation.
      • Offer suggestions on how physical features came about and check theories using reference books and the internet.
      • Build a list of significant physical features in Africa and determine which are particular to their Payam and/or South Sudan.
      • Compare the benefits and difficulties presented by certain landforms, including soil erosion, mosquito breeding, and tourism opportunities.
      • Suggest how physical features of South Sudan and Africa could be represented on a map or describe existing map symbols.
      • Explore maps of their local area and the continent of Africa.
      • Learn about different areas of Africa, such as deserts and mountainous regions.
  • Assessment Opportunities: Observation, conversation, and product creation.

Unit 3: Environmental Pollution

  • Key Inquiry Questions:
      • What forms of environmental pollution are around our school?
      • What is the most significant contribution to pollution near where you live?
      • How can we limit and reduce pollution from rubbish?
      • What are good ways of presenting ideas to others about something that is important to us?
      • What are the effects of listening carefully to how others respond to our ideas?
  • Learning Activities:
      • Investigate pollution evident near where they live (rubbish, burning, sewage, water pollution).
      • List different types of litter and rubbish around the school and identify their sources.
      • Explore other kinds of pollution reported or evident in their locality.
      • Investigate sources of pollution and think of ways to prevent them.
      • Investigate other sources of information, like news reports, to explore pollution threats in their Payam.
      • Ask people to share their views about pollution and how it could be prevented.
      • Develop a simple strategy to prevent pollution and present it to their school or wider community.
      • Listen carefully to responses to their presentations and use them to improve their ideas.
  • Assessment Opportunities: Observation, conversation, and product creation.

Unit 4: What's the Difference?

  • Key Inquiry Questions:
      • What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with village and town life?
      • What factors influence the decision for people to move from one place to another?
      • What could be done to minimize migration from a place that you studied?
      • What features of where you do you enjoy the most?
      • What job or product do you hope to be associated with when you are older? Why?
  • Learning Activities:
      • Identify advantages and disadvantages associated with various settlements, starting with their own locality.
      • Develop a list of features that describe their own locality and create a list of features of a contrasting settlement.
      • Use maps and knowledge of other people to investigate places that contrast with where they live.
      • Use investigations of contrasting localities to develop knowledge and understanding of land use and economic activity across Africa.
      • Represent these elements in various ways, including drawings, descriptive writing, and symbols.
      • Organize work that illustrates the range of products and jobs associated with investigated places.
      • Use knowledge about places to understand why people migrate.
      • Study weather and climate.
  • Assessment Opportunities: Observation, conversation, and product creation.

Unit 5: More Problem Solving

  • Key Inquiry Questions:
      • Describe some effective ways of resolving conflict in your community.
      • What are the attitudes that support peaceful communities?
      • Can you describe where there is danger near where you live and how to minimize injury?
      • What actions can you take to persuade others about the importance of respect and tolerance for difference and diversity?
  • Learning Activities:
      • Consider and explain the reasons for conflict in their community.
      • Share important aspects of maintaining peaceful communities and develop ideas for conflict resolution.
      • Reflect on conflict incidents with friends and develop strategies to "make friends" and resolve community problems.
      • Understand the need for gender equality in their community and provide examples of relevant situations.
      • Understand and explain the risks of mines and unexploded ordnance.
      • Understand how conflict led to the placing of landmines and recognize where, how, and why conflict resolution failed.
  • Assessment Opportunities: Observation, conversation, and product creation.


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