Spain ESO 1 Subjects - Mathematics

This course provides a foundational understanding of mathematical concepts and principles. It covers a wide range of topics, including number systems, basic operations, divisibility, fractions, decimals, algebra, geometry, statistics, and probability. The curriculum emphasizes problem-solving and critical thinking skills, encouraging students to apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations.

Unit 0: Saying Numbers

This unit reviews the cardinal and ordinal number systems, including how to read and write numbers in different formats. It covers place values and the use of commas and decimals.

Unit 1: Natural Numbers

This unit explores the origin of natural numbers and different numeral systems, including Egyptian, Mayan, Roman, and decimal systems. It covers the representation and ordering of natural numbers, as well as operations with natural numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, powers, square roots, and the hierarchy of operations (BIDMAS).

Unit 2: Divisibility

This unit introduces the concepts of multiples, divisors, prime and composite numbers, rules of divisibility, prime factorization, greatest common divisor (GCD), and least common multiple (LCM).

Unit 3: Integers

This unit expands the number system to include integers. It covers the order and representation of integers, absolute value, opposite numbers, comparing integers, and operations with integers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and combined operations).

Unit 4: Fractions

This unit introduces the concept of fractions and their applications. It covers comparing fractions, fractions as quotients, proper and improper fractions, equivalent fractions, ordering fractions, and operations with fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and combined operations).

Unit 5: Decimal Numbers

This unit explores decimal numbers, their representation, and ordering. It covers different types of decimal numbers, converting between fractions and decimals, and operations with decimal numbers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, powers, square roots, and estimation).

Unit 6: Decimal Metric System

This unit introduces the decimal metric system and its application to measurement. It covers units of length, surface, volume, capacity, and mass, as well as conversions between units.

Unit 7: Numerical Proportion

This unit explores ratios, proportions, and percentages. It covers directly and inversely proportional magnitudes, the rule of three, and working with percentages.

Unit 8: Introduction to Algebra

This unit introduces algebraic language and expressions. It covers monomials, operations with monomials, equalities, identities, equations, equivalent equations, solving first-degree equations, and word problems involving equations.

Unit 9: Functions and Graphs

This unit introduces the Cartesian coordinate system and the representation of points. It covers the definition of a function, different ways to express a function, plotting graphs, properties of functions, and interpreting graphs.

Unit 10: Introduction to Statistics and Probability

This unit introduces basic concepts of statistics and probability. It covers types of statistical variables, collecting and organizing data, frequency tables, statistical graphics, arithmetic mean, random experiments, events, and probability.

Unit 11: The Plane: Elements. Angles

This unit explores the elements of a plane, including points, lines, rays, segments, and angles. It covers the classification of angles, relative positions of angles, operations with angles, and the sexagesimal system.

Unit 12: 2-D Shapes. Pythagoras' Theorem

This unit introduces two-dimensional shapes, including polygons, triangles, and quadrilaterals. It covers the Pythagorean theorem, circumferences, circles, angles in a circumference, and constructing regular polygons.

Unit 13: Perimeters and Areas

This unit explores the concepts of perimeter and area for various two-dimensional shapes, including parallelograms, triangles, regular polygons, trapeziums, circles, and circular sectors.

Unit 14: 3-D Shapes: Polyhedrons and Surfaces of Revolution

This unit introduces three-dimensional shapes, including polyhedrons, prisms, pyramids, and surfaces of revolution (cylinders, cones, and spheres).

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