Spain 5º de Primaria Curriculum (LOMLOE) - Music

This information outlines the Music curriculum within the broader Educación Artística area for 5º de Primaria in Spain under the LOMLOE framework. It focuses on the specific competencies, evaluation criteria, and fundamental knowledge outlined in the official curriculum.

Specific Competencies

  • Competency 1: Discovering artistic proposals from different genres, styles, eras, and cultures through active reception to develop curiosity and respect for diversity.
  • Competency 2: Researching cultural and artistic manifestations and their contexts, using various channels, media, and techniques, to enjoy them, understand their value, and begin to develop one's own artistic sensibility.
  • Competency 3: Expressing and communicating ideas, feelings, and emotions creatively, experimenting with the possibilities of sound, image, body, and digital media to produce one's own works.
  • Competency 4: Participating in the design, development, and dissemination of individual or collective cultural and artistic productions, valuing the process and assuming different roles in achieving a final result, to develop creativity, the notion of authorship, and a sense of belonging.

Evaluation Criteria

  • 1.1: Distinguish artistic proposals from different genres, styles, eras, and cultures through active reception, showing curiosity and respect for them.
  • 1.2: Describe cultural and artistic manifestations, exploring their characteristics with an open attitude and interest, establishing relationships between them, and valuing the diversity that generates them.
  • 2.1: Select and apply strategies for searching information on cultural and artistic manifestations through various channels and means of access, both individually and cooperatively.
  • 2.2: Compare the meaning and characteristic elements of different cultural and artistic manifestations that are part of heritage, analyzing the channels, media, and techniques linked to them, as well as their differences and similarities, and developing one's own valuation criteria with an open and respectful attitude.
  • 2.3: Evaluate the sensations and emotions produced by different cultural and artistic manifestations, based on the analysis and understanding of these manifestations.
  • 3.1: Produce basic own works, using the expressive possibilities of the body, sound, image, and basic digital media, and showing confidence in one's own abilities.
  • 3.2: Creatively express ideas, feelings, and emotions through various artistic manifestations, using the different languages and instruments at their disposal, showing confidence in their own abilities and perfecting the execution.
  • 4.1: Plan and design collective cultural and artistic productions, working cooperatively to achieve a final result and assuming different roles, based on equality and respect for diversity.
  • 4.2: Actively participate in the cooperative process of cultural and artistic productions, creatively and respectfully, and using elements from different artistic languages and techniques.
  • 4.3: Share creative projects, using different communication strategies and through various media, explaining the process and the final result obtained, and respecting and valuing one's own experiences and those of others.

Fundamental Knowledge

The curriculum outlines fundamental knowledge across several categories, including:

  • A. Reception and Analysis: This includes understanding artistic proposals from various aesthetic movements, origins, and eras, active reception strategies, appropriate behavior during artistic presentations, and basic analysis strategies.
  • B. Creation and Interpretation: This covers the creative process, related professions, responsible use of image and sound banks, and copyright considerations.
  • C. Plastic, Visual, and Audiovisual Arts: This encompasses visual culture, elements of visual language, materials and techniques, audiovisual elements, and animation basics.
  • D. Music and Performing Arts: This includes sound and its qualities, voice and musical instruments, musical elements (character, tempo, rhythm, genres, texture, harmony, and form), instrumental, vocal, and body practice, music software, and basic dramatic and dance techniques. This section also covers body movement, dramatization, theatrical representation, and elements of stage performance.

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