Spain 1º ESO School Syllabus - Spanish Language and Literature

This course entry is based on the framework established by the Real Decreto 1105/2014, of December 26, which establishes the basic curriculum for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate in Spain. This decree outlines the general objectives, content blocks, evaluation criteria, and learning standards for Spanish Language and Literature in 1º ESO. It's important to note that this Royal Decree provides a basic framework, and specific content and methodologies are further developed by the educational administrations and individual schools.

General Objectives of 1º ESO Spanish Language and Literature:

The overarching goal of Spanish Language and Literature in 1º ESO, within the broader context of Compulsory Secondary Education, is to equip students with the fundamental elements of culture, particularly in humanistic, artistic, scientific, and technological aspects. This includes developing study and work habits, preparing them for future studies and professional integration, and training them for the exercise of their rights and responsibilities as citizens. Specific objectives related to language and literature include developing the ability to understand and express themselves correctly, both orally and in writing, in the Spanish language. Students are also introduced to the study of literature.

Curriculum Structure:

The curriculum for Spanish Language and Literature in 1º ESO is structured around key competencies and content blocks. These competencies are transversal and are developed across all subjects. The specific content for Spanish Language and Literature is designed to contribute to the development of these competencies.

Key Competencies:

  • Linguistic Communication: This competency focuses on the ability to understand and express oneself effectively in Spanish, both orally and in writing. It includes the ability to use language appropriately in different contexts and for various purposes.
  • Mathematical Competence and Basic Competences in Science and Technology: While not directly related to language and literature, these competencies are emphasized across all subjects, including Spanish.
  • Digital Competence: This involves the responsible and appropriate use of information and communication technologies.
  • Learning to Learn: This competency emphasizes the development of self-directed learning skills and strategies.
  • Social and Civic Competencies: These competencies focus on developing responsible citizenship and the ability to interact effectively in a diverse society.
  • Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship: This competency encourages creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills.
  • Cultural Awareness and Expression: This competency promotes an appreciation for cultural diversity and the ability to express oneself creatively.

Content Blocks:

The Real Decreto 1105/2014 does not specify the exact content blocks for 1º ESO Spanish Language and Literature. However, it establishes that the curriculum should cover the basic elements of language and an introduction to literature. The specific content is further defined by the educational administrations and individual schools, taking into account the overall objectives and competencies.


Evaluation in 1º ESO is continuous, formative, and integrative. It considers the student's progress in achieving the objectives and developing the competencies. The evaluation process takes into account the student's performance in all subjects, including Spanish Language and Literature. Specific evaluation criteria and learning standards for Spanish Language and Literature are established to guide the evaluation process. These criteria and standards are further developed by the educational administrations and schools.


Student promotion from 1º ESO to 2º ESO is determined by the teaching team, considering the student's overall achievement of the objectives and acquisition of competencies. Repeating a year is considered an exceptional measure, taken only after exhausting ordinary reinforcement and support measures. Specific criteria for promotion are outlined in the Real Decreto 1105/2014.

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