Spain 4º de Primaria School Syllabus - Artistic Education
Arts and Crafts
This area focuses on developing students' creativity and artistic expression through various hands-on activities and projects.
- Creating Crafts: Students create crafts and artwork using various materials.
- Drawing and Compositions: Students engage in drawing and creating compositions using different materials.
- Composition with Triangles (Types of Angles): This lesson involves creating compositions with triangles, focusing on different angle types.
- Sock Snowman: Students create sock snowmen.
- Arts and Crafts Textbook: Edelvives publishes a textbook specifically designed for 4º de Primaria Arts and Crafts (Plástica).
- Arts and Crafts Textbook: EdebéWorld also offers a textbook for 4º de Primaria Arts and Crafts.
- Arts & Crafts Student Book: Macmillan Education provides a student book for Primary 4 Arts & Crafts.
This area aims to develop students' musical skills, knowledge, and appreciation.
- Musical Notes and Figures: Students learn about musical figures, their names, and durations.
- Music Worksheets: Cocomusic offers printable music worksheets for 4º de Primaria, covering musical language, expression, and movement.
- Music Textbook: GaliNova Editorial publishes a music textbook titled "Melodía, Música, 4º Primaria".
- Music Textbook: Edelvives publishes a music textbook for 4º de Primaria by Fernando Fernández Picos.
- Music Activities: Cristic provides educational games for 3º and 4º de Primaria students to learn about sounds, songs, and instruments.
- Music Lessons: "Mi clase de música" offers online resources and games for 4º de Primaria music education.
- Songs for 4º de Primaria: Declave provides a collection of songs for 4º de Primaria music classes.
- 4º Primaria Music Album: "La Música y Yo" offers a music album specifically designed for 4º de Primaria.
- Types of Music: This YouTube video discusses different types of music for 4th grade.