Spain 5º de Primaria Curriculum (LOMLOE) - Art
This curriculum is based on the "Programación Didáctica Educación Artística - ART 5º de Educación Primaria (LOMLOE)" found on Scribd. It outlines six units of instruction, each focusing on different artistic concepts and skills. The curriculum emphasizes the development of creativity, critical thinking, and artistic expression through various forms of art, including visual, auditory, and performance-based activities.
Key Concepts:
- Reception and Analysis: Students learn to actively engage with various artistic expressions from different eras, cultures, and origins. They develop an understanding of appropriate behavior and the importance of silence during artistic reception. The curriculum also introduces them to common digital resources used in various art forms.
- Creation and Interpretation: Students explore the phases of the creative process, including planning, interpretation, experimentation, and evaluation. They learn to assess and appreciate both the process and the final product of their artistic endeavors.
- Visual, Audiovisual, and Plastic Arts: Students develop visual literacy skills, learning to analyze and interpret images in the contemporary world. They explore the elements of visual language, such as point, line, plane, texture, and color, and experiment with various materials, tools, and techniques for two-dimensional and three-dimensional artistic expression. The curriculum also covers the basics of audiovisual production, including recording, editing, storytelling, and animation.
- Music, Performing Arts, and Performance: Students explore the qualities of sound, learn about different musical instruments and vocal techniques, and develop an understanding of musical elements like character, tempo, rhythm, and genre. They engage in instrumental, vocal, and physical practice, including experimentation, improvisation, and composition. The curriculum also introduces them to basic dramatic and dance techniques, elements of stage performance, and different theatrical genres.
Units of Instruction:
- Unit 1: Welcome Autumn: Focuses on creative expression and communication using sound, silence, images, body movement, and digital media.
- Unit 2: Christmas: Explores cultural and artistic expressions related to Christmas, both traditional and contemporary, in the Castilla-La Mancha region.
- Unit 3: Carnival, Carnival: Emphasizes creative expression of ideas, feelings, and emotions through various artistic manifestations and the sharing of creative projects.
- Unit 4: Universe of Colors: Focuses on collaborative creation and the assumption of different roles in group projects.
- Unit 5: Spring Arrived: Develops research skills for exploring cultural and artistic manifestations and their contexts.
- Unit 6: We're Going on Vacation: Reinforces the ability to distinguish and appreciate artistic proposals from different genres, styles, eras, and cultures.