Spain Primary 3 Curriculum - Mathematics

This outlines the mathematics curriculum for Primary 3 in Spain, based on available information. The curriculum is organized into topics with specific learning objectives.

Numbers and Operations

  • Counting and Numeration: Students learn to count to 999, skip count by 10s and 100s to 999, and represent numbers from 100 to 999 using pictures or objects.
  • Addition: Students develop place value understanding to add two 2-digit numbers (up to a total of 99) and add three-digit numbers.
  • Subtraction: Students learn subtraction up to 99, including subtraction with borrowing (renaming method) and solving word problems involving comparison. They also learn to solve and record division problems using known facts and sharing concepts.
  • Multiplication: Students review multiples of 10 up to 100, reading, writing, renaming, and adding them. They also identify, name, and add groups of ten, counting to ninety-nine.

Measurement and Geometry

  • Length and Perimeter: Students use the meter and centimeter to measure length and calculate perimeter.
  • Area: Students are introduced to the concept of area and learn to calculate the area of surfaces in square centimeters. They also compare and order shapes according to their area.
  • Volume and Capacity: Students are introduced to volume, using the cubic centimeter as a standard unit. They construct three-dimensional objects using cubic centimeter blocks and explore the concept of capacity. They also work with the kilogram as a measure of mass.
  • 2-D Shapes: Students learn to recognize and name two-dimensional shapes, including pentagons and hexagons, using prefixes to determine the number of angles and sides. They also analyze and explain the spatial properties of quadrilaterals.
  • 3-D Shapes: Students construct models of rectangular prisms and explore volume and capacity using cubic centimeters and displacement.
  • Lines and Angles: Students use location language to describe positions and learn about mapping and grid references.

Data Handling

  • Pictograms and Bar Charts: Students organize, read, and summarize information presented in picture graphs (pictograms) and column graphs (bar charts).
  • Time: Students learn to tell time on analog and digital clocks, including minutes past and to the hour. They also compare analog and digital time and work with units of time (converting units and interpreting timetables, timelines, and calendars).


  • Introduction to Fractions: Students are introduced to fractions (1/2, 1/4, 1/8) and use them to describe parts of a whole and parts of a group or collection. They also compare and order fractions.

This information is based on the available online resources and may not be fully comprehensive. The official Spanish Ministry of Education website or other official resources may provide a more detailed syllabus.

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