Sri Lanka Grade 6 Curriculum - Aesthetic Subjects: Art
This course aims to develop students' appreciation, creative thinking, and skills for a meaningful life. It also helps students identify unique aspects of local and foreign cultures, improve critical thinking, and develop personalities capable of facing future challenges.
Composing Paintings (20 Periods)
- Line Drawings Based on the Environment: Students develop skills in line drawing, depicting human and animal postures, and other shapes within the environment. They also learn to compose pictures using various mediums and techniques based on both natural and created environments.
- Composing Pictures Based on Natural and Built Environment: This involves studying the elements of composition (lines, shapes/form, use of colors, use of surface) and principles of composition (scale and volume, perspective, three-dimensionality, balance, expression, creative finishing). Different media and techniques are explored, such as collage, pastel, and watercolors.
Drawing Objects in Composite Form (6 Periods)
- Drawing Simple Geometric Shapes Using Lines: Students study the line qualities of geometric shapes, including light and shade and three-dimensional qualities. They practice drawing geometric shapes like spheres, cylinders, cubes, cuboids, and cones.
- Drawing Different Parts of Trees and Natural Forms Using Lines: This involves studying the line qualities of natural forms and different tree parts. Students learn to draw in pencil, highlighting features of various plant parts and formally using line characteristics, light, shade, and 3D qualities.
Designs for Applied Needs (16 Periods)
- Creating Decorations Using Basic/Primary Colors: Students learn to use primary and secondary colors and draw simple geometric and natural shapes, coloring them accordingly.
- Coloring Simple Geometrical Shapes Using Secondary Colors: Students practice using secondary colors with shapes like circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles.
- Designing and Coloring Utilitarian Articles: Students create utilitarian objects and materials using basic and secondary colors. Examples include gift packs, toys, and pencil holders. They also learn to work systematically and with decorum.
Creating Graphics (14 Periods)
- Using Block Print Method for Utilitarian and Service Needs: Students learn block printing and obtain print copies for applied and communication needs. They explore design, matching, balance, and color media.
- Using Stencil Print Method for Utilitarian and Communication Needs: Students develop stencil printing skills for applied and communication purposes. They learn about suitability for printing, creativeness, and simple printing techniques.
Creating Sculptures and Carvings (10 Periods)
- Creating Sculptures Using Modeling and Assembling Techniques: Students learn molding and assembling techniques, working with simple shapes and soft media.
- Creating Mobile Sculptures Using Various Media: Students explore different techniques for creating mobile sculptures, using various materials and considering balance and motion. They learn to function systematically and with decorum.
Studying Religious and Cultural Features (4 Periods)
- Appreciating Artistic Aspects in Various Religious and National Festivals: Students learn to identify and describe basic features of religious festivals, including Buddhist (Wesak), Hindu (Thaipongal), Islam (Ramadan), and Christian (Christmas) festivals. They analyze the special identity of cultural items and identify different influences on religious festivals.
Investigating Aesthetic Qualities (14 Periods)
- Studying Artistic Items Originating from Various Religious Influences: Students identify various features of religious art (Stupa, Kovil, Mosque, Church) and analyze culturally different features.
- Studying Local Traditional Decorations: Students identify and classify special features of local traditional decorative designs, including their creative basis, practice (Yatiporuwa, Wakadeka, Liyapatha, Thiringithalaya), use of colors, and principles of decoration (classification, divine, animal, plant, inanimate). They also study decorations belonging to non-living forms (Arimbuwa, Galbinduwa, Kundirikkan, Panava, Thanipotalanuwa, Depotalanuwa).