Sudan Basic Level Year 5 Curriculum - Religious Education

This curriculum focuses on Christian Religious Education and aims to impart both religious knowledge and life skills. The curriculum is structured into units, each covering a specific topic with associated learning outcomes, activities, and assessment opportunities. The Pupil's Book and Teacher's Guide are designed to be used together, with the Pupil's Book providing learning content and activities, and the Teacher's Guide offering pedagogical guidance and additional resources.

Unit 1: Abraham the Father of Faith

This unit explores the life of Abraham, focusing on his faith and obedience to God. Topics covered include:

  • Abraham and his Relatives: Pupils learn about Abraham's family, including his father Terah, wife Sarah, and son Isaac.
  • The Call of Abraham and the Promises from God: This section examines God's call to Abraham to leave his homeland and travel to Canaan, along with the promises God made to him.
  • The Journey from Haran to Canaan: Pupils learn about Abraham's journey and his construction of altars to God in Shechem and Bethel.
  • God Commands Abraham to Sacrifice His Son: This section explores the story of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac, demonstrating his faith in God.
  • Sacrifice in Traditional African Society: Pupils compare and contrast the concept of sacrifice in Abraham's story with traditional African beliefs.
  • Religious Leaders in Our Society Today: This section examines the roles of religious leaders in contemporary society, drawing parallels with Abraham's call to serve God.

Unit 2: Moses and the Ten Commandments

This unit focuses on the life of Moses and the significance of the Ten Commandments. Topics covered include:

  • The Birth and Early Life of Moses: Pupils learn about Moses's birth, his adoption by Pharaoh's daughter, and his upbringing in the Egyptian palace.
  • The Call of Moses: This section explores God's call to Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.
  • The Promises God Gave to Moses: Pupils learn about the promises God made to Moses and their importance to the Israelites.
  • The Ten Commandments: This section examines the Ten Commandments and their significance for moral and ethical behavior.
  • The Ten Plagues: Pupils learn about the plagues God sent to Egypt and their role in the Israelites' liberation.
  • Importance of the Call of Moses and the Ten Commandments to the People of Israel: This section explores the significance of Moses's leadership and the Ten Commandments for the Israelites' faith and identity.

Unit 3: Jesus Christ and His Mission

This unit explores the life and mission of Jesus Christ. Topics covered include:

  • Meaning of Jesus Christ: Pupils learn about the meaning of the names "Jesus" and "Christ" and their significance for Christians.
  • Jesus' Teaching on the Virtues: This section examines Jesus' teachings on virtues such as love, kindness, forgiveness, and generosity.
  • Reasons for Jesus' Mission: Pupils explore the reasons for Jesus' coming to Earth and his mission to bring salvation.
  • The Miracles of Jesus Christ: This section examines various miracles performed by Jesus, such as calming the storm, feeding the 5,000, and raising Lazarus from the dead.
  • Importance of the Miracles of Jesus: Pupils explore the significance of Jesus' miracles for Christian belief.
  • Prophet Muhammad and Gautama Buddha: Pupils learn about the founders of other religions, Islam and Buddhism, and compare and contrast their teachings with those of Jesus.

Unit 4: The First Apostles and Disciples

This unit focuses on the first apostles and disciples of Jesus. Topics covered include:

  • The Call of the First Apostles and Disciples: Pupils learn about Jesus' calling of his disciples and their roles in his ministry.
  • The Twelve Disciples of Jesus: Pupils learn the names of the twelve disciples and their importance for the early Christian church.
  • The Roles that Disciples and Apostles Play: This section examines the various roles played by the disciples and apostles, such as preaching, healing, and spreading the Gospel.
  • Importance of the Apostles and Disciples to Christians: Pupils explore the significance of the apostles and disciples for Christian belief and practice.
  • Followers of Other Faiths: Pupils learn about followers in other major religions and compare their roles with those of Christian disciples.

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