Sudan Primary 8 School Syllabus - Music

The Music curriculum for Primary 8 in South Sudan is part of the broader Arts curriculum, which includes Visual Arts & Craft, Drama, and Critical Appreciation of the Arts. The curriculum emphasizes an active approach to learning, focusing on understanding, skills, and practical application of knowledge. It aims to develop students' creativity, cultural awareness, and lifelong appreciation for the arts.

  • Music and Dance Strand: This strand offers opportunities to listen and respond, perform, choreograph, and compose. Students learn to appreciate sounds in their environment and how sound is organized in music. Performance involves singing, playing instruments, and composing their own music. They also learn about different musical styles, periods, and cultures, including the diverse South Sudanese repertoire. Dance activities focus on exploring expressive movement, experimenting with body movements, and communicating moods and feelings.
  • Unit 1: Musical Language: This unit explores new styles and genres of music. Activities may include comparing features of different musical styles, analyzing rhythms and patterns, and creating soundtracks or occasional music.
  • Assessment: Assessment in Music considers not only the final product but also the process of creation, skill development, and knowledge of tools and techniques. It also evaluates students' understanding of the broader cultural context of music and their ability to respond to and reflect on the work of others.
  • Cross-Curricular Links: The Music curriculum integrates cross-cutting issues such as Peace Education, Environmental Awareness and Sustainability, and Life Skills. It also connects with other subjects like National Language, English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Religious Education, and Physical Education.
  • Student Competencies: The curriculum aims to develop student competencies in communication, critical and creative thinking, cooperation, and cultural identity.

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