Social Studies - Primary 1
This course provides a fun, practical approach to social studies, imparting lifelong skills to pupils. It comprehensively covers the Primary 1 syllabus developed by the Ministry of General Education and Instruction, South Sudan.
Unit 1: Now and Then
This unit explores family, focusing on members, relationships, roles, changes over time, and shared objects at home and school.
- Family Members and Relationships: Students learn about family members (parents, siblings, extended family, ancestors) and their relationships. They create diagrams and illustrations to represent these connections.
- Roles and Responsibilities: Students explore the roles and jobs of family members and their importance in daily life.
- Family History: Students investigate their family history through discussions with family members and create representations like family trees.
- Objects and Change: Students identify common objects found in homes and schools, exploring how these have changed over time and which objects are shared.
Unit 2: Where We Live
This unit focuses on the learner's surroundings, including physical, human, and economic features, and the importance of protecting the environment.
- Features of a Locality: Students explore and categorize physical, human, and economic features in their locality and other areas. They discuss their preferences and the importance of different environments.
- Protecting the Environment: Students investigate ways to protect and improve their environment, including activities like litter collection, water conservation, and tree planting.
- Economic Activities: Students identify and discuss economic features and activities in their area, such as local stores, farming, and fishing, and their impact on their lifestyle.
Unit 3: Exploring Our World
This unit introduces maps and their use in representing places and understanding the relationship between locations.
- Maps and Representation: Students explore different types of maps, including picture maps and globes, and learn how places are represented using symbols and keys.
- Orientation and Direction: Students learn about compass directions (North, South, East, West) and their use in understanding map orientation and locating places.
- Locating Places: Students practice locating places on maps and in their surroundings, using directional terms and compass points.
- Changes Over Time: Students examine how maps can be used to track changes in a place over time, such as new buildings, roads, or environmental changes.
Unit 4: Working Together
This unit explores the different groups and roles within a community and the importance of teamwork.
- People in the Community: Students identify different groups of people in their community (neighbors, learners, church members, families, workers) and their roles.
- Helping Others: Students discuss how different people help them and how they can help others.
- Community Life and Work: Students explore aspects of community life and work that contribute to healthy and peaceful lifestyles, such as road development, water and sanitation maintenance, and the importance of teamwork.
- Changes in the Community: Students investigate how their community has changed over time through discussions with parents and other adults.
Unit 5: Problem Solving
This unit focuses on identifying dangerous objects and situations at home and school and developing problem-solving skills related to safety and conflict resolution.
- Safety at Home and School: Students identify dangerous objects and situations at home and school and discuss ways to protect themselves and their belongings.
- Keeping the Peace: Students explore causes of conflict and develop strategies for resolving conflicts peacefully. They create rules for peaceful coexistence and practice problem-solving skills through role-playing and discussions.