Sudan Primary Two English Language AI
Sudan Primary 2 Curriculum - English LanguageThis curriculum focuses on developing foundational English language skills through a practical, learner-centered approach. It emphasizes active participation, with activities like role-playing, singing, miming, and games. The curriculum aims to build confidence in speaking English and instills positive attitudes towards learning. It also integrates national values, culture, and heritage into the lessons. The medium of instruction for Primary 1-3 is the national language, with a gradual transition to English in Primary 4-5. The teacher's guide emphasizes modeling correct pronunciation and using visual aids like flashcards and posters. Learners are encouraged to use a word bank book to track new vocabulary. UnitsThe Primary 2 English curriculum is divided into the following units: 1. Politeness: This unit introduces polite language and explores ways of showing politeness at home, school, and in the community. Learners practice greetings, saying "please," "thank you," "sorry," and "welcome." 2. Myself: Learners develop vocabulary to talk about themselves, their likes and dislikes, and different emotions. They practice introducing themselves and expressing their preferences. 3. Our School: This unit focuses on vocabulary related to school, including objects, people, and activities. Learners discuss how their school is different from others and how it benefits the community. 4. Our Home: Learners learn vocabulary related to their homes, family members, and household chores. They discuss the roles of different family members and how families interact with their neighbors. 5. Economic Activities In Our Community: This unit introduces different occupations and economic activities within the community. Learners discuss the benefits of these activities and explore potential career paths. 6. Health and Hygiene: Learners learn about parts of the body, their functions, and basic hygiene practices. They discuss healthy habits and the importance of cleanliness. 7. Nutrition: This unit focuses on different types of food, healthy eating habits, and the effects of poor nutrition. Learners discuss balanced diets and the importance of making healthy food choices. 8. Our Environment: Learners explore their environment, including common animals, birds, insects, and plants. They discuss the importance of environmental conservation and ways to protect their surroundings. 9. Sports and Games: This unit focuses on different sports and games, good playing habits, and the importance of teamwork. Learners discuss their favorite games and practice using English while playing. 10. Accidents and Safety: Learners discuss common accidents, their causes, and how to avoid them. They also learn about basic first aid and the importance of staying safe at home, school, and in the community. 11. Children's Rights: This unit introduces basic human rights and how they apply to children. Learners discuss their rights and how to seek help if their rights are being abused. 12. Peace and Security: Learners discuss the importance of peace and security at home, school, and in the community. They explore ways to promote peace and learn about the dangers of landmines. 13. Social Events: This unit focuses on major social events in the community, such as weddings and funerals. Learners discuss the importance of these events and the customs associated with them. 14. Technology: Learners explore various communication devices, such as computers, radios, televisions, and mobile phones. They discuss the uses and operations of these devices and their importance in modern life. |