Sweden Swedish as a Second Language Curriculum
This curriculum outlines the structure for Swedish as a Second Language courses, focusing on developing communicative language skills for students whose first language is not Swedish. A strong grasp of Swedish is essential for academic success, active participation in society, and professional life. This curriculum emphasizes fostering multilingualism, building confidence in language skills, and promoting respect for diverse linguistic expressions.
Course Structure
The curriculum is divided into three progressive levels, each worth 100 credits:
- Swedish as a Second Language 1 (SVASVA01): This foundational course covers core language skills, including oral and written communication, basic grammar, and vocabulary building. It introduces students to various text types and explores linguistic variations in Swedish.
- Swedish as a Second Language 2 (SVASVA02): Building upon the first level, this course delves into more advanced communication skills, focusing on investigative and argumentative presentations and texts. It also explores the language situation in Sweden, including language relationships and changes.
- Swedish as a Second Language 3 (SVASVA03): This course emphasizes advanced oral and written communication, including scientific presentations and texts. It also covers source criticism, linguistic diversity, and strategies for further language learning.
Core Content and Knowledge Requirements
Each course level has specific central content and knowledge requirements, outlining the skills and knowledge students are expected to acquire. These requirements are graded from E (basic) to A (advanced), with each level building upon the previous one. The curriculum emphasizes practical application of language skills through various activities, including oral presentations, written texts, discussions, and analysis of different media. It also encourages reflection on language learning and the impact of language on communication, thinking, and learning. |