Sweden Åk 8 Crafts Curriculum
This curriculum outlines the learning objectives and central content for Crafts (Slöjd) in the 8th grade in Sweden. Students in Åk 7-8 receive instruction in both technical crafts (wood and metal) and textile crafts. In Åk 9, students choose one of the craft forms for further study.
Overall Purpose:
Crafts education aims to develop students' ability to design and create objects by working with various materials and tools. This involves both manual and intellectual work, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.
Central Content:
- Materials, Tools, and Techniques: Students work with metal, textiles, wood, and potentially other materials, including recycled and new materials. They learn about the properties of these materials, their applications, and how they can be combined, including with digital technology. Students also learn to use hand tools, equipment, and machines safely and appropriately. They explore advanced craft techniques like casting, weaving, and turning.
- Work Processes: The craft process involves idea development, consideration of solutions, production, and evaluation. Students document their work process and results, potentially using digital tools. They learn to analyze different materials and techniques, considering form, function, and construction possibilities.
- Aesthetic and Cultural Expressions: Students draw inspiration from architecture, art, and design. They explore their own design ideas using various materials, colors, and shapes. They learn how different combinations of color, form, and material affect the aesthetic expression of craft objects. They also study fashion and trends, and how symbols and colors are used in youth culture. Crafts and traditions from different cultures and time periods are also explored.
- Crafts in Society: Students examine the role of design, crafts, and folk art in public spaces. They consider the significance of craft activities for individuals and society, both historically and in the present. They also learn about different materials and their production from a sustainability perspective.
Assessment Criteria (Examples):
By the end of Åk 6, students should be able to design and produce simple craft items from different materials based on instructions, use hand tools, equipment, and machines safely, and choose working methods based on the purpose of the craftwork and environmental considerations.
This curriculum provides a framework for crafts education in Åk 8, emphasizing creativity, problem-solving, and cultural understanding through working with various materials and techniques. |