Sweden Åk 8 Curriculum - Physics

Force, Pressure, and Motion

Core Content:

  • Different forces, e.g., gravity, friction, centrifugal force
  • The relationship between mass and weight
  • An object's stability depending on its center of gravity and base area
  • Pressure as force distributed over an area
  • How pressure is affected by the size of the force and the size of the area
  • Buoyancy and Archimedes' principle
  • How to calculate pressure, buoyancy, and related concepts
  • Applications of these concepts in everyday life and technology


  • Åk 8 Fysik - Kraft, tryck och rörelse:
  • Tryck fysik, åk 8:
  • Åk8 Krafter och tryck Tryck:
  • Åk8 Krafter och tryck Arkimedes princip:
  • Fysik - Tryck del 2 - ÅK 8:

Light and Sound

Core Content:

  • How light propagates, reflects, and refracts
  • How sound is created, propagates, and can be registered in different ways
  • The human eye and how we perceive light
  • Properties of light and sound waves, such as wavelength and frequency
  • Applications of light and sound in technology and everyday life


  • Ljus åk 8:

Electricity and Magnetism

Core Content:

  • Electrical and magnetic phenomena and their interaction
  • Electric circuits and how they function
  • The relationship between electricity and magnetism
  • Applications of electricity and magnetism in technology and everyday life


  • Lektion. Åk. 8. Fysik – Elektricitet och magnetism:
  • Fysik åk 8: Rörelse och kraft: (This resource also covers motion and force, which are related to electricity and magnetism in some applications.)

Heat and Matter

Core Content:

  • Different states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) and their properties
  • How heat is transferred between objects with different temperatures
  • How the states of matter can be changed through heating and cooling
  • The particle model of matter and its properties


  • Lektion. Åk. 8. Fysik – Materia och värme:

Scientific Investigations and Inquiry

Core Content:

  • Planning and conducting experiments
  • Collecting and analyzing data
  • Drawing conclusions and communicating results
  • Critical thinking and evaluation of information


  • The curriculum emphasizes the importance of scientific investigations throughout the course. Many of the resources listed above include examples of experiments and investigations related to the specific topics.
  • Fysik - Kursplan - Vi använder kakor (Grundskolan) - Skolverket: (This link provides the official curriculum, which includes information about scientific inquiry.)

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