Sweden Grundskola Biology Curriculum

This curriculum outlines the core content for Biology 1, the biology course within the Swedish Grundskola. This course covers fundamental biological principles and aims to develop students' understanding of the natural world and the role of biology in society.


  • Ecosystem Dynamics: Study the structure and dynamics of ecosystems, including energy flow, material cycling, and ecosystem services.
  • Human Impact: Explore natural and human-induced disturbances in ecosystems, focusing on carrying capacity and biodiversity.
  • Population Studies: Examine population size, variation, species composition, and the factors influencing these aspects.
  • Sustainable Development: Investigate ecologically sustainable development on local and global scales and discuss ways to contribute to it.


  • Cell Types: Learn about the properties and functions of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
  • Heredity: Study the structure of gene pools, the laws of heredity, and the mechanisms of inheritance. This includes cell division, DNA replication, and mutations.
  • Gene Expression: Explore gene expression, protein synthesis, monogenic and polygenic traits, and the interplay between heredity and environment.
  • Genetic Applications: Discuss the applications of genetics, including the opportunities, risks, and ethical considerations.


  • Origins of Life: Examine scientific theories about the origin and development of life.
  • Evolutionary Mechanisms: Study evolutionary mechanisms such as natural selection and sexual selection, and their role in speciation.
  • Organism Behavior: Explore the behavior of organisms and its importance for survival and reproductive success.
  • Taxonomy: Learn about taxonomic systems and the principles of classifying organisms, including the main groups of organisms and their evolutionary history.
  • History of Biology: Review the development of biology with an emphasis on evolution.

The Nature of Biology and its Working Methods

  • Scientific Inquiry: Understand the characteristics of a scientific problem.
  • Models and Theories: Learn about models and theories as simplifications of reality and how they evolve over time.
  • Experimental Work: Recognize the importance of experimental work in testing, reassessing, and revising hypotheses, theories, and models.
  • Problem Solving: Develop skills in identifying and studying problems using biological reasoning.
  • Research Methods: Learn to plan and conduct field studies, experiments, and observations, including formulating and testing hypotheses.
  • Data Analysis: Develop skills in processing, interpreting, and critically evaluating results and conclusions, including analyzing methods, work processes, and sources of error.
  • Tools and Techniques: Gain experience with various tools and techniques used in biological research, such as field studies in ecology, simulations of evolutionary mechanisms, organism identification, microscopy, statistical methods, and the use of genetic data.
  • Societal Issues: Explore societal issues from a biological perspective, such as sustainable development.

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