Sweden Compulsory School Year 9 Syllabus - Physical Education and Health
Physical Education and Health
Physical activity and a healthy lifestyle are fundamental to well-being. Positive experiences of movement and outdoor activities during childhood and adolescence are crucial for continued physical activity throughout life. Skills and knowledge about physical education and health benefit both the individual and society.
The curriculum aims to develop students' all-round movement capacity and an interest in physical activity and outdoor pursuits. Students will encounter a range of activities and develop knowledge about factors influencing physical capacity and lifelong health. They will learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and understand the connection between physical activity and mental and physical well-being. The curriculum also emphasizes developing knowledge in planning, executing, and evaluating various physical activities, understanding concepts related to physical activity, and forming opinions on sports, health, and lifestyle. Interpersonal skills and respect for others are fostered through participation in physical activities. The curriculum aims to create conditions for regular physical activity throughout schooling, promoting physical awareness and confidence in one's physical abilities. Students will develop the ability to engage in outdoor activities and appreciate the value of an active outdoor life. They will also learn about risks and safety factors associated with physical activities and how to respond to emergencies.
Core Content (Years 7-9)
- Movement: Complex movements in games and sports (indoor and outdoor), dance, and movement to music; weight training, fitness training, mobility, and mental training, and their effects on movement capacity and health; use of digital and other tools to plan, perform, and evaluate movement activities; traditional and modern dance, movement, and training programs to music; different swimming styles (breaststroke, backstroke, and crawl).
- Health and Lifestyle: Goal setting for physical activities (e.g., improving fitness); discussing experiences and outcomes from various physical activities and training forms; working positions and load during physical activity and injury prevention (e.g., through all-round training); different definitions of health, relationships between movement, diet, and health, and the relationship between addictive substances and ill-health; physical body image in sports and society, doping and its regulations; first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); factors influencing individual choices of sports and physical activities (e.g., gender).
- Outdoor Life and Activities: Orienting in unfamiliar environments using maps and other aids (with and without digital tools); planning, organizing, and carrying out different outdoor activities; rights and obligations in nature according to the public right of access to land; cultural traditions associated with outdoor life and recreational activities; practices and safety guidelines for outdoor activities in and near water during different seasons; handling emergencies in and around water using various equipment, based on the principle of the extended arm.
Knowledge Requirements (Year 9)
- Grade E: Participates in games and sports involving complex movements, adapting movements to activity and context; adapts movements to beat, rhythm, and context in dance and music-related activities; swims 200 meters (including 50 meters backstroke); sets goals and plans training and other physical activities; evaluates activities based on personal experiences and basic reasoning about how activities, diet, and other factors affect health and physical capacity; plans and carries out outdoor activities, adapting to different conditions, settings, and rules; orients with some certainty in unfamiliar settings using maps and other aids; prevents injuries through basic foresight and describes risks associated with different physical activities; handles emergency situations around water using various equipment.
- Grade D: Meets the requirements for Grade E and mostly meets the requirements for Grade C.
- Grade C: Demonstrates more developed and nuanced skills and understanding across all core content areas compared to Grade E. Adapts movements well to activities and context; demonstrates relatively good timing and style in musical activities; sets goals and plans training effectively; provides developed reasoning about the impact of activities, diet, and other factors on health and physical capacity; adapts well to different conditions, settings, and rules in outdoor activities; orients with relative confidence in unfamiliar settings; prevents injuries effectively and provides developed descriptions of risks; handles emergencies around water proficiently.
- Grade B: Meets the requirements for Grade C and mostly meets the requirements for Grade A.
- Grade A: Demonstrates advanced skills, understanding, and reasoning across all core content areas. Adapts movements skillfully to activity and context; demonstrates excellent timing and style in musical activities; sets goals and plans training strategically; provides well-developed and nuanced reasoning about the impact of activities, diet, and other factors on health and physical capacity; adapts skillfully to different conditions, settings, and rules in outdoor activities; orients confidently in unfamiliar settings; prevents injuries proactively and provides well-developed descriptions of risks; handles emergencies around water expertly.