Sweden Grundskola Technology Curriculum (Year 9)

This curriculum outlines the learning objectives and central content for Technology in Grundskola Year 9 in Sweden, as defined by the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket). It emphasizes developing students' technical knowledge, awareness, and ability to navigate a technology-driven world. The curriculum encourages reflection on the impact of technology on individuals, society, and the environment, fostering responsible and innovative use of technology.


The Technology subject aims to develop students' interest in and knowledge of technology, fostering an understanding of its influence on individuals, society, and the environment. It promotes technical awareness and the ability to connect technological solutions with sustainable development. The curriculum also encourages reflection on the historical evolution of technology to better understand contemporary technical phenomena and the interplay between technology and societal development. By making technical solutions visible and comprehensible, students gain the ability to navigate and act in a technology-intensive world. Practical work with technical ideas and problem-solving develops students' ability to approach technical challenges innovatively.

Core Content (Year 7-9)

Technology, Humans, Society, and the Environment:

  • The internet and other global technical systems, including their benefits, risks, and limitations.
  • Opportunities, risks, and safety in technology use in society, including data storage.
  • Consequences of technology choices based on ecological, economic, and social aspects of sustainable development.
  • How technology has enabled scientific discoveries and how science has enabled technical innovations.
  • How perceptions of technology influence individuals' use of technical solutions and career choices.

Technical Solutions:

  • How components and subsystems are named and interact within technical systems, such as information and communication technology and transport systems.
  • Technical solutions for control and regulation using electronics and various types of sensors. How technical solutions that utilize electronics can be programmed. Relevant terminology.
  • Technical solutions for strong and stable constructions and the importance of material properties, such as tensile and compressive strength, hardness, and elasticity.
  • Processing raw materials into finished products and waste management in some industrial processes, such as food and packaging manufacturing.

Working Methods for Developing Technical Solutions:

  • Different phases of technology development work: identifying needs, investigation, proposing solutions, construction, and testing. How the phases of the work process interact in the student's own work and in technology development work in society, such as in architecture and public transport.
  • How digital tools can be used in technology development work, such as for making drawings and simulations.
  • Student's own constructions using control or regulation with the help of programming.
  • Documentation of technical solutions: sketches, drawings, physical and digital models, and reports describing technology development and construction work.

Grading Criteria (Year 9)

The grading criteria for Year 9 assess students' ability to reason about technology choices and their consequences, explain how technical solutions function and interact, and carry out technology development projects. Higher grades reflect more developed reasoning, explanations, and project execution, including systematic testing and refinement of solutions.

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