Sweden Grundskola - Civics Curriculum

This information is based on the Swedish national curriculum, Lgr22.

Overall Purpose of Civics Education:

Civics education aims to develop students' familiarity with democracy and human rights. It helps students acquire knowledge about the values and principles of a democratic society, democratic processes, and working methods. The goal is to foster understanding of what it means to be an active and responsible citizen. The curriculum also emphasizes understanding how individuals and society influence each other, including social, economic, political, legal, and media structures. Students learn to analyze social issues from different perspectives, understand how opinions are formed, and critically examine how various actors attempt to influence societal development.

Year 6 Curriculum:

Central Content:

  • Individuals and Communities: Social roles and norms in different contexts (family, friendships). Gender roles, equality, and sexuality. Social safety nets for children in different life situations.
  • Social Resources and Distribution: Personal finance, the relationship between work, income, and consumption. Public finances, taxes, and how municipalities, regions, and the state use tax funds. Examples of different economic and social conditions for children in Sweden and globally.
  • Decision-Making and Political Ideas: The concept of democracy and democratic decision-making. How individuals and groups can influence decisions (voting, student councils, social media). The roles of parliament and government. Political elections and parties in Sweden. Dividing lines in current political issues.
  • Rights and Justice: Society's need for legislation, laws, and consequences. Crime and its potential consequences. Human rights, including children's rights according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The principle of equal treatment and protection against discrimination. National minorities (Jews, Roma, Sami, Swedish Finns, and Tornedalers): culture, history, and rights.
  • Information and Communication: The role of media (information dissemination, opinion formation, scrutiny of power, entertainment). Responsible use of digital and other media (social, ethical, and legal aspects).
  • Examining Social Issues: Current social issues and different perspectives on them. How to identify and critically examine messages, senders, and purposes in various sources, including digital media.

Grade Criteria for Year 6:

  • Grade E: Demonstrates basic knowledge of democracy and human rights, societal structures, and simple connections within them. Provides basic reasoning about how people influence and are influenced by societal structures. Offers basic reasoning about social issues and examines information using simple source criticism.
  • Grade D: Knowledge assessed to be between C and E.
  • Grade C: Demonstrates good knowledge of democracy, human rights, and societal structures, describing relatively complex connections within them. Provides developed reasoning about how people interact with societal structures, social issues, and uses relatively well-grounded source criticism.
  • Grade B: Knowledge assessed to be between A and C.
  • Grade A: Demonstrates very good knowledge of democracy, human rights, and societal structures, describing complex connections within them. Provides well-developed reasoning about how people interact with societal structures, social issues, and uses well-grounded source criticism.

This curriculum provides a framework for teaching Civics in Year 6 of the Swedish Grundskola. It emphasizes active participation, critical thinking, and understanding of democratic principles and societal structures.

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