Sweden Grundskola - English Subject Curriculum (Year 6)

The English curriculum for Year 6 in the Swedish Grundskola aims to further develop students' communicative skills in English, building upon the foundation laid in Year 5. The curriculum emphasizes using English in various contexts and for diverse purposes, fostering confidence and a genuine desire to communicate effectively.

Key Objectives:

1. Enhanced comprehension of spoken and written English, including interpreting content effectively. 2. Improved ability to express oneself and communicate fluently in both spoken and written English. 3. Strategic use of language strategies in diverse contexts. 4. Adapting language appropriately to suit different purposes, audiences, and situations. 5. Critically analyzing and reflecting upon living conditions, social issues, and cultural aspects in various English-speaking contexts worldwide.

Core Content:

The curriculum covers a range of topics, including:

  • Concrete and abstract subjects related to students' education, societal and working life.
  • Current issues, thoughts, opinions, ideas, experiences, feelings, and ethical and existential issues.
  • Themes, ideas, form, and content in film and literature, including authors and literary periods.
  • Living conditions, attitudes, values, traditions, social issues, and cultural, historical, political, and social conditions in different English-speaking contexts.

Reception Skills:

Students are expected to develop their ability to understand:

  • Spoken English, including variations in social and dialect features.
  • Various text types, including complex and formal texts, covering different purposes such as relating, discussing, arguing, reporting, and describing.
  • Coherent spoken language and different conversation formats like debates, lectures, and interviews.
  • Contemporary and older literature, poetry, drama, and songs.
  • Different text types for various purposes, such as formal letters, popular science texts, and reviews.

Production and Interaction Skills:

Students are expected to develop their ability to:

  • Engage in oral and written production and interaction in diverse situations and for different purposes, including arguing, reporting, applying, reasoning, summarizing, commenting, assessing, and justifying viewpoints.
  • Contribute actively to and participate in argumentation, debates, and discussions related to societal and working life.
  • Employ various methods for commenting on and taking notes while listening to and reading communications from different sources.
  • Process language and structure in their own and others' oral and written communications, adapting to different genres, situations, and purposes, including formal contexts.

Knowledge Requirements:

The curriculum outlines specific knowledge requirements for different grade levels (E, D, C, B, and A), detailing the expected level of comprehension, production, interaction, and critical analysis skills. These requirements provide a framework for assessing student progress and ensuring they meet the curriculum's objectives.

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