Sweden Year 3 Science Curriculum
The Swedish science curriculum for Year 3 integrates biology, chemistry, and physics into a single subject called "Science Studies." The curriculum emphasizes a learning-by-discovery approach and pupil-centered methods, often incorporating play and practical activities.
Core Content:
- Seasons of the Year in Nature: This topic covers the movement of Earth, Sun, and Moon, moon phases, constellations, seasonal changes, life cycles of plants and animals, and simple food chains. Students learn to recognize common local species and categorize them.
- Body and Health: Students learn about the importance of food, sleep, hygiene, exercise, and social relations for well-being. They also learn about the parts of the human body and their functions, and explore sensory experiences.
- Force and Motion: This topic introduces concepts like gravity, friction, balance, center of gravity, and equilibrium through play and movement activities.
- Materials and Substances in Our Surroundings: Students explore the properties of materials, categorize objects based on properties like magnetism and conductivity, and learn about the different states of water (solid, liquid, gas) and transitions between them. They also learn about simple solutions and mixtures and how to separate them. The curriculum also touches upon the historical use and development of materials and the concept of recycling.
- Narratives about Nature and Science: This integrates fiction, myths, art, and historical narratives about science to provide a broader context for scientific understanding.
- Methods and Ways of Working: The curriculum emphasizes simple field studies, observations, and scientific studies. Students learn to document their work using text, pictures, and other forms of expression, both with and without digital tools.
Knowledge Requirements:
By the end of Year 3, students are expected to be able to describe simple relationships in nature based on their experiences, discuss seasonal changes and life cycles, talk about parts of the human body and senses, and describe materials and their properties. They should be able to conduct simple studies based on instructions, make observations, categorize objects, and document their findings. |