Sweden Music Curriculum - Year 3
Playing and Creating Music:
- Singing and Playing: Students engage in various forms of musical expression, including singing in groups (choral singing), canons, antiphons, and playing instruments together (ensemble playing).
- Imitation and Improvisation: Students develop musical creativity through imitating and improvising with movement, rhythm, and tones.
- Creating Music: Students explore simple forms of music creation, often using texts or pictures as starting points for their compositions.
- Interpretation: Students interpret songs and stories using sound, rhythm, and movement.
Tools of Music:
- Voice: Students learn to use their voices as instruments, exploring variations in rhythm, tone, and dynamics.
- Instruments: Students are introduced to percussion, string, and keyboard instruments, learning to play them with variations in rhythm, tone, and dynamics.
- Musical Elements: Students develop an understanding of rhythm, tone, dynamics, and pitch as the fundamental building blocks of music and composition.
- Symbols: Students begin to recognize and understand basic musical symbols, pictures, and characters.
Context and Functions of Music:
- Personal Responses: Students explore and discuss their own associations, thoughts, emotions, and images evoked by listening to music.
- Instrument Families: Students learn to identify different instruments from the wind, string, keyboard, and percussion families, recognizing their sounds and appearances.
- Music in Context: Students explore music within their everyday lives and formal contexts, including the national anthem, common hymns, and Swedish and Nordic children's song traditions.