Swedish Mellanstadiet (Grade 4-6) Religion Syllabus
This syllabus outlines the curriculum for Religion in Swedish Mellanstadiet (grades 4-6) based on the Lgr11 framework.
The purpose of religious education is to develop students' knowledge of religions and other beliefs in their own society and around the world. Students should become aware of how people of different religious traditions live with and express their religion and beliefs. The teaching should comprehensively illuminate the role religions can play in society, both in peace efforts and conflicts, to promote social cohesion and as a cause of segregation. The teaching should also provide knowledge and understanding of how Christian traditions have influenced Swedish society and its values. Through the teaching, students should be given the opportunity to interpret cultural expressions related to religious traditions. Students should also be given opportunities to develop knowledge of how to critically examine sources and social issues related to religions and other beliefs. The teaching should stimulate students to reflect on different life issues, their identity and their ethical approach. In this way, the teaching should create conditions for students to develop a personal philosophy of life and understanding of their own and other people's ways of thinking and living. The teaching should help students develop knowledge of how different religions and beliefs view issues related to gender, equality, sexuality and relationships. Students should also be given the opportunity to analyze and take a position on ethical and moral issues. The teaching should also help students develop an understanding of how people's values are related to religions and other beliefs. It should also help students develop a preparedness to act responsibly in relation to themselves and their surroundings.
Central Content:
Grades 4-6:
- Religions and other beliefs: Rituals and religiously motivated rules of life, as well as sacred places and spaces in Christianity and other world religions (Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism).
- Central ideas behind rituals, rules of life, and sacred places: In Christianity and other world religions, such as those expressed in religious stories in the Bible and other documents.
- Stories from Old Norse and older Sami religion.
- The concepts of religion and belief.
Knowledge Requirements:
By the end of grade 6, students should be able to:
- E level: Demonstrate basic knowledge of some sacred places or spaces, rituals, and rules of life belonging to world religions, and show this by making simple comparisons between some religions. Describe some basic features of Old Norse and Sami religion and give examples of how Old Norse religion can be observed in today's society. Account for some Christian holidays and traditions and make simple comparisons between the importance of Christianity for Swedish cultural and social life, past and present. Make simple arguments about how life issues are portrayed in different contexts and what religions and other beliefs can mean for different people. Make simple arguments about everyday moral issues and what it can mean to do good. Search for information about religions and other beliefs and use different types of sources, and make simple arguments about the usefulness of the information and sources.
- C level: Demonstrate good knowledge of some sacred places or spaces, rituals, and rules of life belonging to world religions, and show this by making developed comparisons between some religions. Describe some basic connections between concrete religious expressions and central ideas within world religions. Describe some basic features of Old Norse and Sami religion and give examples of how Old Norse religion can be observed in today's society. Account for some Christian holidays and traditions and make developed comparisons between the importance of Christianity for Swedish cultural and social life, past and present. Make developed arguments about how life issues are portrayed in different contexts and what religions and other beliefs can mean for different people. Make developed arguments about everyday moral issues and what it can mean to do good. Use different types of sources in a relatively well-functioning way and make developed arguments about the usefulness of the information and sources.
- A level: Demonstrate very good knowledge of some sacred places or spaces, rituals, and rules of life belonging to world religions, and show this by making well-developed comparisons between some religions. Show simple connections between concrete religious expressions and central ideas within world religions. Describe some basic features of Old Norse and Sami religion and give examples of how Old Norse religion can be observed in today's society. Account for some Christian holidays and traditions and make well-developed and nuanced comparisons between the importance of Christianity for Swedish cultural and social life, past and present. Make well-developed and nuanced arguments about how life issues are portrayed in different contexts and what religions and other beliefs can mean for different people, in a way that develops or broadens the argument. Make well-developed arguments about everyday moral issues and what it can mean to do good, in a way that develops or broadens the argument. Use different types of sources in a well-functioning way and make well-developed arguments about the usefulness of the information and sources.