Swedish Grade 9 History Studies AI
Sweden Compulsory School Year 9 Syllabus - History History Humanity's understanding of the past is intertwined with beliefs about the present and perspectives on the future. In this way, the past influences both our lives today and our choices for the future. Women and men throughout the ages have created historical narratives to interpret reality and influence their surroundings. A historical perspective provides us with tools to understand and shape the present we live in. Purpose The purpose of history education is to develop students' historical consciousness and historical literacy. This is made possible by students developing knowledge about historical conditions and historical concepts, gaining insights into how history is created through interpretations of sources, and developing an understanding of how history can be used in different contexts. In this way, students gain an understanding of how the past has shaped the present and thus influences our expectations of the future. The education should provide students with the preconditions to acquire a historical frame of reference and a chronological overview of how women and men throughout the ages have created and changed societies and cultures. Through this, students should gain an understanding of different cultural contexts and ways of life throughout history and of historical events that have influenced the present. The education should also contribute to students' understanding that people of every age must be judged based on the conditions and values of their time. By providing perspectives on long historical lines relevant to the present, such as living conditions, migration, and power, the education should give students a deeper understanding of how historical development is characterized by both continuity and change. The education should contribute to students developing knowledge about how we can know something about the past through historical source material. Students should also be given the preconditions to develop the ability to ask questions about and evaluate sources that form the basis of historical knowledge. Working with sources should also give students the preconditions to empathize with the past. Furthermore, the education should contribute to students developing an understanding of how history is used in society and in everyday life. Through this, students should gain different perspectives on how the use of historical narratives and references can influence people's identities, values, and perceptions. The education in history should give students the preconditions to develop:
Central Content Years 7-9 Social Transformations: The Rise of Civilizations and Industrial Society
Imperialism and World Wars, approximately 1850-1950
Democratization and Increased Globalization, approximately 1900 to the present