HVAC and Property Maintenance Program (VVS- och fastighetsprogrammet)
The HVAC and Property Maintenance Program (VVS- och fastighetsprogrammet) is a vocational program within the Swedish upper secondary school system (gymnasieskolan). This program prepares students for careers in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing, and property management sectors.
Program Structure
The program consists of core subjects, program-specific courses, and specializations.
Core Subjects (Gymnasiegemensamma ämnen): These subjects provide a general educational foundation and include:
- Swedish
- English
- Mathematics
- History
- Social Studies
- Natural Science
- Religion
- Physical Education and Health
Program-Specific Courses (Programgemensamma ämnen): These courses introduce students to the fundamental principles and practices of the HVAC and property maintenance fields. They include topics such as:
- Installation Technology
- HVAC and Property Systems
Specializations (Inriktningar): Students choose a specialization to gain in-depth knowledge and skills in a specific area. The specializations within the HVAC and Property Maintenance Program are:
- Property Management (Fastighet): This specialization focuses on the operation and maintenance of technical systems in buildings, including service, operation, maintenance, and indoor and outdoor environments.
- Cooling and Heat Pump Technology (Kyl- och värmepumpsteknik): This specialization covers the installation, maintenance, and repair of cooling and heat pump systems.
- Ventilation Technology (Ventilationsteknik): This specialization focuses on ventilation systems, including installation, insulation, assembly, and service.
- Plumbing (VVS): This specialization provides the foundation for working as a plumber, industrial pipe fitter, and insulation installer. It includes courses in contract technology, sanitation technology, pipe welding and soldering, and heating technology.
Career Prospects
The HVAC and Property Maintenance Program is a vocational program, meaning that graduates are prepared to enter the workforce directly after graduation. Possible career paths include:
- Property Technician (Fastighetstekniker)
- Industrial Pipe Fitter (Industrirörmontör)
- Insulation Installer (Isoleringsmontör)
- Cooling and Heat Pump Installer (Kyl- och värmepumpsmontör)
- Ventilation Installer (Ventilationsmontör)
- Plumber (VVS-montör)