Sweden Year 6 Chemistry Curriculum (Grundskola)
Chemistry in Nature
- Simple particle models: Students learn about simple particle models to describe and explain the structure, recycling, and indestructibility of matter. They learn that the movement of particles explains the transitions between solids, liquids, and gases.
- Classification of substances: Students learn to classify substances and materials based on properties such as appearance, conductivity, solubility, combustibility, and acidity.
- Water and air: The curriculum covers the properties and circulation of water, as well as the properties and composition of air.
- Basic chemical reactions: Students are introduced to photosynthesis, combustion, and some other basic chemical reactions.
Chemistry in Everyday Life and Society
- Material conversion: The curriculum explores the conversion of materials from raw materials to products, how they become waste, how waste is handled, and how materials are returned to nature.
- Food and nutrients: Students learn about the contents of food and the importance of nutrients for health. They also explore historical and contemporary methods for extending the shelf life of food.
- Chemicals in the home and society: Students learn about common chemicals used in the home and society, their uses, impact on health and the environment, labeling, and safe handling procedures.
- Fuels: The curriculum covers fossil and renewable fuels, their importance in energy use, and their impact on the climate.
Chemistry and World Views
- Discoveries in chemistry: Students learn about some historical and contemporary discoveries in chemistry and their importance for people's living conditions and views on the world.
- History of chemistry: The curriculum touches upon historical descriptions of the structure of matter and the transition of chemistry from magic and mystery into a modern science.
- Cultural perspectives: Students explore how different cultures describe and explain nature in fiction, myths, art, and earlier science.
Chemistry: Methods and Working Scientifically
- Systematic studies: Students engage in simple systematic studies, learning about planning, execution, and evaluation.
- Separation of mixtures: Students learn some methods for separating solutions and mixtures into their various components.
- Documentation: Students practice documenting simple studies using tables, pictures, and simple written reports, both with and without digital tools.
- Information analysis: Students learn to interpret and examine information related to chemistry from sources such as newspaper articles and films in digital media.