Switzerland Secondary II Syllabus - Baccalaureate (Matura)
The Matura, or Schweizerische Maturität, is the Swiss secondary school exit exam and university entrance qualification. It is awarded upon completion of four years of upper-secondary level education (Sekundarstufe II), typically in a Gymnasium (academic track), between grades 9 and 12. The Matura is recognized internationally and provides access to Swiss universities and many other institutions worldwide.
The Swiss Matura curriculum is known for its breadth, covering a wide range of subjects across humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences.
Core Subjects: The curriculum typically includes around 12-13 subjects, with seven core subjects compulsory for all students. These core subjects usually include:
- First National Language (German, French, Italian, or Romansh)
- Second National Language
- Third Language (often English or another national language, or an ancient language like Latin)
- Mathematics
- Natural Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
- Humanities (History, Geography)
- Arts (Music or Visual Arts)
Specializations and Electives: In addition to the core subjects, students choose a major subject (Schwerpunktfach) for in-depth study, an additional subject (Ergänzungsfach), and complete a Matura paper (Maturaarbeit) on a chosen topic. The range of major and additional subjects varies between schools and may include subjects like Economics, Law, Computer Science, Philosophy, and specific arts or science disciplines. Some schools offer bilingual Matura programs, such as German/English or German/Italian.
Language Requirements
The Matura requires proficiency in at least three languages. Two Swiss national languages are mandatory, and the third language is often English. Specific language requirements may vary between schools and cantons. For example, some bilingual programs require the student's native language to be one of the languages of instruction. While a Swiss Matura generally exempts students from further language exams for Swiss university admission, individual universities may have specific language requirements for certain programs.
Assessment and Grading
The Matura examination consists of written and oral exams in the core subjects, major subject, and additional subject. The Matura paper is also assessed. Grades are awarded on a scale of 1 to 6, with 6 being the highest. Specific grading criteria and weightings may vary between subjects and cantons. A minimum overall grade and minimum grades in specific subjects are usually required for university admission. |