Tanzania Standard 1 Reading Studies AI
Tanzania Standard 1 Curriculum - ReadingThis information is based on the 2023 draft of the Primary Education Syllabus Standard I-II from the Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE). The curriculum emphasizes a learner-centered approach and the use of phonics for reading instruction. The main objectives of the Standard 1 Reading curriculum are to enable pupils to develop Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic skills (3Rs). The broader aims of the curriculum include developing pupils' communication skills, physical fitness, positive attitudes towards learning, and appreciation of culture, art, sports, health, and the environment. Reading Competencies: The following main and specific competencies are targeted in the Standard 1 Reading curriculum:
Learning Activities and Assessment Criteria:
Teaching and Learning Resources: The syllabus suggests using real objects, pictures, word lists, wall charts, audio-visual materials, paper, and colored pencils/chalks. Teachers are encouraged to improvise and use other appropriate resources available in the school and home environments. A list of approved textbooks and reference books is provided by TIE. Teaching and Learning Methods: The syllabus recommends using a variety of learner-centered methods, including discussions, presentations, practical work, and project work. Teachers are encouraged to adapt methods based on the specific context and integrate them with pupils' everyday lives. Assessment: Assessment methods include exercises, observation, face-to-face interviews, checklists, tests, terminal examinations, and annual examinations. The focus is on assessing pupils' competence in the 3Rs, particularly their ability to develop reading skills. |