Tanzania Standard 4 Civics and Moral Education

1. Respecting the Community

  • Loving Oneself and Others: This involves identifying actions that demonstrate respect for all people, practicing self-love, showing love and affection to others, and recognizing and developing one's talents.
  • Being Proud of One's School: Pupils learn about their school, take care of the school environment, and uphold the good name of the school.
  • Loving Tanzania: This involves recognizing national symbols and values, understanding the concept of democracy, and learning about the structure of local government.

2. Valuing the Community

  • Taking Care of Oneself and Others: This involves avoiding dangerous behaviors, performing acts of self-concern, and demonstrating care for family members.
  • Protecting the Environment: Pupils learn to identify behaviors and activities that lead to environmental degradation and participate in environmental care activities.
  • Building Good Relationships: This involves explaining actions that build good friendships and elaborating on ways of building good relations with colleagues.

3. Being Responsible

  • Protecting Resources and National Interests: Pupils learn about national resources, perform voluntary activities in the community, and value community resources.
  • Managing School and Household Tasks: This involves carrying out duties and responsibilities at the family level and promoting good governance in the family. Pupils also learn about the responsibilities of school leaders.
  • Obeying Laws and Regulations: This involves knowing and obeying laws and regulations applicable in their environment, describing actions that demonstrate the violation of laws and regulations, and supervising the implementation of school rules and regulations.
  • Being Self-Disciplined: This involves probing different issues, setting targets, solving problems using one's own capacity, receiving advice from others, and developing habitual reading.
  • Co-operating with Others: Pupils learn to co-operate with colleagues at school in performing household and school tasks, recognize the impact of non-co-operation, be ready to receive new ideas from others, and use their talents and abilities to plan development activities at school.

4. Being a Persevering Person

  • Handling Challenges in Daily Life: This involves taking positive steps when facing challenges, facing challenges in learning using various ways, identifying an acceptable form of life compatible with changes, and respecting different beliefs and faiths of people.
  • Being Optimistic about Achieving Objectives: Pupils learn to demonstrate a positive attitude in performing everyday tasks, demonstrate a behavior of learning in groups and sharing experiences, and demonstrate an independent lifestyle.
  • Learning by Analyzing Issues Critically: This involves seeking information from different sources, examining things in the local environment and associating them with everyday life, and learning from the mistakes of others.

5. Being a Person of Integrity

  • Being Trusted in the Community: This involves condemning acts of betrayal, performing acts that demonstrate transparency and honesty in life, revealing evils that are taking place in the community, explaining the concept of hypocrisy, and explaining the concepts of rights and responsibilities.
  • Fulfilling Responsibilities with Transparency and Honesty: Pupils learn to justify facts using clear examples, demonstrate a habit of opposing hypocrisy in life, and identify evils associated with fraud and corruption.
  • Standing Up for Other People's Rights: This involves examining traditions and customs that violate human rights, educating the community to avoid such customs and practices, collaborating with community groups to defend human rights, and differentiating the powers and responsibilities of governments at various levels.

6. Promoting Peace and Harmony

  • Interacting with People from Different Cultures and Backgrounds: Pupils learn to identify the origins of various ethnic groups in Tanzania, identify people from different backgrounds who live in their community, explain the cultural tools of Tanzania, explain the importance of national culture, and educate themselves on different cultures.
  • Respecting the Cultures and Ideologies of Other People: This involves explaining ways of building good relations among people of different cultures, explaining the importance of building national unity among communities of different cultures, and identifying strategies for coping with the impact of globalization.
  • Building Good Relations with People from Other Countries: Pupils learn to identify ways to improve relations with other countries, recognize actions that show hospitality to people of other countries, identify the bases for good relations between Tanzania and other countries, and explain the concept of globalization.

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