Social Studies - Standard 7
This curriculum is based on the Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) Social Studies Syllabus for Primary School Education, Standard III-VII (2019), aiming to equip students with knowledge, skills, and attitudes to navigate their environment and become responsible citizens.
1. Identifying Different Events Occurring in the Environment
- 1.1 Conserving One's Environment: This subtopic focuses on analyzing natural hazards caused by natural forces and their effects on the environment, including how they affect the ecosystem. It also covers analyzing the causes of natural and fire hazards and identifying precautions to take when dealing with the effects of such hazards. Students learn how to use firefighting and rescue principles in their environment.
- 1.2 Keeping a Record of Historical Events: This involves comparing and contrasting the development of tools of production during the Stone Age, the Iron Age, and the Digital Technological Age. Students differentiate the changes in development between the Stone Age and the Iron Age across economic, social, political, and cultural spheres. They also discuss the effects of technology on society during these periods.
- 1.3 Using Knowledge of Weather Conditions in Day-to-Day Activities: This section covers analyzing the climatic zones of Tanzania and their characteristics in relation to economic activities. Students clarify the factors affecting the climate of Tanzania and analyze climate change and its effects on economic activities.
2. Identifying the Principles of Patriotism in Society
- 2.1 Maintaining Tanzanian Culture: Students evaluate the role of Tanzanian traditions and customs since the pre-colonial period and suggest ways of maintaining good cultural practices. They also evaluate the effects of unacceptable Tanzanian traditions and customs since the pre-colonial period and propose ways of eradicating them to lay the foundation for societal development.
- 2.2 Honouring Our Heroes: This subtopic involves analyzing the effects of nationalist struggles organized by African heroes when Africans were fighting for their countries' independence and explaining how to use the struggles to protect and value our independence. Students also evaluate the techniques Africans used while fighting for independence in various African colonies and their effects on developing good relationships in society.
- 2.3 Building Good Relationships with Other Society Members: This section focuses on analyzing the economic, political, cultural, and social development that has been attained in Tanzania since 1961 and its effects. Students also describe the means of transport connecting Tanzania with other countries and their contribution to maintaining international relations and fostering the economic development of Tanzania.
3. Using the Knowledge of Maps and Astronomy in Day-to-Day Life Situations
- 3.1 Using Maps in Different Kinds of Environment: Students use latitudes and longitudes to locate different places on maps and calculate time using longitudes.
- 3.2 Recognizing the Solar System: This involves explaining human activities and how they affect the ozone layer.
4. Applying Economic Principles to Income Generating Activities
- 4.1 Valuing and Protecting National Resources: This subtopic focuses on evaluating how human population and settlements affect production activities. Students relate geographical, economic, and social criteria to factors for population distribution and analyze the factors affecting human population, including how to control them. They also identify the effects of rapid population growth and ways to control it.
- 4.2 Identifying Production Activities in the Society: This section involves relating economic activities to their advantages in the member states of the East African Community. Students also analyze tourist activities in the member states and their economic contribution to society's development.
- 4.3 Using Entrepreneurial Skills in Doing Daily Activities: Students discuss entrepreneurial activities and their contribution to production growth. They analyze the opportunities arising from transport and communication means in their locality and evaluate the effects of illegal entrepreneurial activities on social development.