Tanzania Standard 7/Form 1 Curriculum - Chemistry
The Tanzania Standard 7 curriculum integrates science and technology. The following are chemistry-related topics covered in Standard 7, drawn from the official Science and Technology syllabus:
1. Investigating Things in the Environment: This involves describing safety signs found in the environment and explaining their uses.
2. Identifying Various Types of Energy and Their Uses: This includes describing how to generate electricity using water waves and geothermal energy, and evaluating the quality of renewable energy sources compared to non-renewable sources.
3. Identifying Scientific and Technological Theories: This encompasses analyzing the properties of objects that float or sink in water, relating the principles of floatation, and constructing models to demonstrate Archimedes' principle.
4. Performing Scientific Experiments: This involves carrying out experiments on fire fighting (considering classes of fire and appropriate extinguishers), experiments to identify the properties of acids and bases, and experiments to identify the necessary conditions for rusting and ways to prevent it. |