Tanzania Standard 7/Form 1 Curriculum - Information and Communication Technology

Computer Science - Form I

This course introduces students to the field of Computer Science and lays a foundation for future studies in ICT. It focuses on developing practical skills and theoretical understanding of computer systems, software, and basic programming concepts.

Main Competence 1: Demonstrate mastery of the basic Concepts of Computer Science

  • Specific Competence 1.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the field of Computer Science and its related fields
      • Learning Activities:
          • Describe the concept of Computer Science (meaning, importance, application)
          • Describe fields related to Computer Science (IT, ICT, IS, Computer Engineering)
      • Suggested Teaching and Learning Methods: Brainstorming, Think-Ink-Pair-Share (TIPS), Question and Answer, Guest Speaker, Case Study
      • Assessment Criteria: Confidently describe the concept of Computer Science and related fields.
      • Resources: Handouts with relevant content.
      • Number of Periods: 8
  • Specific Competence 1.2: Demonstrate an understanding of computer systems
      • Learning Activities:
          • Describe computer systems (Meaning, types, functions, and significance)
          • Describe computer hardware (meaning, components, functions, generation)
          • Describe computer software (meaning, types, functions)
          • Describe and observe principles of computer system handling (safety measures, management, cleanliness, data backup and utilities)
      • Suggested Teaching and Learning Methods: Questions and Answers, Small Group Discussions, Demonstrations, Practical Work
      • Assessment Criteria: Clearly describe computer systems, hardware, and software; realize the parts of computer hardware and their functions; correctly observe principles of handling computer systems.
      • Resources: Computer, handouts, flip charts, digital podium, electronic blackboard, printer, scanner, camera, projector, flash disk, hard disk, memory card, smart phone, tablets, motherboard.
      • Number of Periods: 28
  • Specific Competence 1.3: Demonstrate mastery of maintenance and troubleshooting of computer systems
      • Learning Activities:
          • Install simple computer software
          • Organise computer files in different operating systems (Windows, Linux, etc.)
      • Suggested Teaching and Learning Methods: Demonstrations, Practical Work
      • Assessment Criteria: Install computer software; use operating systems to organize computer files.
      • Resources: Computer, CDs with different software, handouts, hard disk, simulated steps videos, smart phone.
      • Number of Periods: 6

Main Competence 2: Demonstrate mastery of the basic principles of Computer Science

  • Specific Competence 2.1: Demonstrate mastery of the basic principles in problem-solving using computers (concept of problem-solving, steps of problem-solving, concept of algorithms)
      • Learning Activities:
          • Describe the steps in solving a problem using computers
          • Demonstrate an understanding of basic principle of algorithms
          • Design and present a single algorithm using flow charts and pseudocode
      • Suggested Teaching and Learning Methods: Brainstorming, Demonstrations
      • Assessment Criteria: Clearly describe the steps of solving a problem using a computer; clearly explain how algorithms can be used to address problems; confidently apply algorithms to present new ways to address problems.
      • Resources: Computer, smart phone, handouts, tablets.
      • Number of Periods: 30

This detailed breakdown of the Form I Computer Science curriculum provides a comprehensive guide for educators and students, outlining the specific competencies, learning activities, and resources required for each topic. It emphasizes practical application and problem-solving, preparing students for further studies and potential careers in ICT.

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